On Fri, 2 Nov 2007, M.Sairam Swaroop wrote:

| Dear Siesta Users,
| I would be grateful if somebody could point out to me when to use the
| molecular dynamics as implemented in siesta.
| As a first assumption from the papers which have reported results using
| ab-initio MD with siesta, i get the impression that this would be useful
| for for systems where the CG convergence of forces is not readily
| achievable (eg, systems like ionic liquids). Or is this done to getting
| information of the system which generally cannot be got form relaxation
| runs.
| I would be nice if someone could comment on this issue.

Dear Sairam:
an answer to "when to use the molecular dynamics" could be
"when you are interested in DYNAMIC properties"
(time correlation functions etc.)

MD is not a substitute to CG and serves in fact a quite different purpose:
in CG you search the energy minimum, whereas in the MD the energy
is either constant, or fluctuating around a mean value (with a thermostat).
However, in principle one can use simulated anealing as a dynamical procedure
to achieve the (~global) minimum, but this is tricky.

Check the tutorials by Marivi Fernandez-Serra on molecular dynamics,
SIESTA page -> Tutorials -> Lyon, 18-22 June 2007 -> 21 June

Best regards


+-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov ---- Tel. +33-387315873 ----- mobile +33-666784053 ---+
| Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Physique Electronique et Chimie,     |
| Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, France |
+-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------ http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/apostnik/ --+
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