
In version 2.0 it seems there is a bug in Bands.F file.
When you run a spin polarized bandstructure
the values for the fermi energy in the first line of .bands
are wrong.
I think that the problem is in bands.F

    475 C Write Fermi energy
    476         if(nspin .eq. 2) then    WRONG ?
    477          write(iu,*) efs(1)/eV,efs(2)/eV
    478         else
    479          write(iu,*) ef/eV
    480         endif

I fixed the problem by in the following way

    475 C Write Fermi energy
    476         if((nspin .eq. 2).and.(fixspin)) then
    477          write(iu,*) efs(1)/eV,efs(2)/eV
    478         else
    479          write(iu,*) ef/eV
    480         endif


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