Dear Siesta 3.0 beta users! Thank you for you time.
 I have three simple (hope that) questions about processing SIESTA.

1) how to fix the coordinates of atoms that I choose relaxing the rest
part of my system?
I used
%block GeometryConstraints
  position # of atom which position I want to be fixed
%endblock GeometryConstraints
 to control coordinates of atoms to be fixed. BUT AT THE END OF RELAXATION
PROCEDURE final coordinates ARE CHANGED. Why? How to overcome this

2)I run SIESTA jobs at remote cluster with limited time of each job. If
the granted time elapsed before the calculations are finished how can I
restart the same job (using something like check file in Gaussian) without
running it from the very begging? Is there any specific file containing
that information, and how to restart it (I mean, the particular command

3)I want to study interaction between neutral lattice and ions. Is there
any way (besides that mentioned in manual) to do that associating the
charge with ions (but not with the whole system)? If not, how to interpret
the results? If I have, for example, Na(+) should I look for a specific
pseudopotential for that particle or pseudopotential for neutral Na is

Any help will be appreciated,
Thank you in advance

Artem Baskin,
PhD student,
University of Illinois at Chicago

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