I have figure out the issue.
On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Anju Saroha wrote:
> Dear Siesta users,
> I am using siesta-trunk-515 and in that I tried a test run for *Fe using
> U parameter*.
> While running, it is giving an error *"not enough shells"* though the
> same input
Dear Siesta users,
I am using siesta-trunk-515 and in that I tried a test run for *Fe using U
While running, it is giving an error *"not enough shells"* though the same
input file* without U parameter runs well*. Can somebody please let me know
the possible mistake I may have done?
Dear Siesta and Transiesta users,
I decide to calculate the conductance in different temperature but there is
a doubt for me I must include the temperature effect in the geometry
optimization or it is sufficient to change it just in the Transiesta
Dear ALL,
I read in the manual for siesta 4.0b-485 that the BLYP xc.functional can be
used in SIESTA. Will the B3LYP xc.functional be added for future versions?
-- Matias
Matias Soto C.
Ph.D. Canditate
Materials Science and NanoEngineering
Rice University
On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 5:36 AM
There is only a ONE right manual: the corresponding one to the version you
are trying to compile/use.
Take a look in the DOCS folder inside the SIESTA distro: there is a
SIESTA.TEX file. Compiling in using LATEX you will get THE RIGHT ONE.
Also, in the SIESTA distro, there is a folder S
>There’s an appendix (16) on parallel siesta in the documentation (page 131
in doc v.492), which explains >many things including compilation, and
additional libraries required.
The users gave me siesta-3.2-manual which is dated as March-24-2013 and has
124 pages!
Please let me know which manual i
There’s an appendix (16) on parallel siesta in the documentation (page 131 in
doc v.492), which explains many things including compilation, and additional
libraries required.
> On 24 Jun 2016, at 15:04, Mahmood Naderan wrote:
> OK. It seems that it uses the serial version only..
OK. It seems that it uses the serial version only..
mahmood@cluster:siesta-test$ mpirun -np 4 siesta < file.fdf
Siesta Version: SIESTA_VERSION
Architecture : SIESTA_ARCH
Compiler flags: FFLAGS
SERIAL version
* Running in serial mode
>> Start of run: 24-JUN-2016 17:31:30
Siesta Version: SIEST