Thank you Javier Junquera Sir.

On 27 December 2017 at 17:00, Javier Junquera <>

>  Dear Sunetra:
>  Take look at:
> files/Metodos/Hands-on-session.html
>  And then follow the links to:
>  5. Converging the simulations
>  Exercise 4. Convergence of the simulation with respect the MeshCutoff.
> The egg box effect.
>  Hope this helps,
>  Best regards,
>       Javier
> El 26 dic 2017, a las 4:32, Sunetra Das <>
> escribió:
> Dear Andrei Postnikov Sir,
> Can you please guide me in how to do the 'eggbox test' ? I have gone
> through the tutorials and examples but am still unclear on how to do that
> test for a system. Will be very much thankful if you let me know the steps
> on testing the eggbox effect and eliminating it. I have seen the term
> 'eggbox energy' in siesta output file after completion of a run, but
> confused what to decipher from it.
> Thanking you and awaiting a reply.
> Warm regards and wishing you a happy new year in advance,
> Sunetra Das.
> On 25 December 2017 at 19:52, Andrei Postnikov <andrei.postnikov@univ-
>> wrote:
>> Dear Najmeh,
>> you are worrying about z-components of forces
>> and try to help it by increasing the k(xy) mesh. It means that your
>> bands dispersion becomes ever better in the plane,
>> however, I don't think this would have an important effect on the
>> z-force!
>> Three observations:
>> 1)
>> Do you really have a problem?
>> Your z-forces on atoms 1 and 2 do nicely sum up to zero within 0.001 -
>> that is fine, -
>> and the fact that they (individually) fluctuate with k simply reveals the
>> fact
>> that your structure is not at equilibrium. Try to get a better
>> equilibrium - see 2).
>> If you ultimate goal is phonons, why don't you calculate just Gamma
>> and check if you get the acoustic modes close enough to zero?
>> 2)
>> In order to suppress fluctuations of forces / energy,
>> the MeshCutoff is probably much more important that k-mesh.
>> Apparently you tried 300 Ry and did not increase it any further.
>> It might be not sufficient, depending on pseudos / basis.
>> (However, it might well be OK in your case, see 1).
>> In order to understand what's going on, the eggbox test
>> (rigidly moving all the atoms... along Z, your "problematic" direction)
>> for different values of MeshCutoff would help.
>> With insufficient MeshCutoff, the increase of the k-mesh alone won't
>> help you.
>> (and... do you really need 20 Ang in the z-direction? You only need
>> so much that the basis functions won't overlap).
>> 3)
>> The k-mesh is not a variational parameter,
>> so you cannot expect a systematic lowering of the total energy
>> (although it usually happens, albeit with fluctuations).
>> For the phonon calculations, the total energy as such (i.e.,
>> its absolute value) is irrelevant anyway.
>> Best regards
>> Andrei Postnikov
>> ----- Najmeh Honari <> a écrit :
>> >
>> Dear
>> > Siesta users,
>> >
>> >
>> I’m
>> > trying to simulate 2D borophene δ*6*, in order to calculate phonon
>> dispersion of the material. I did convergence
>> > test for mesh-cut-off and k-points. I selected mesh cutoff=300Ry and
>> started
>> > k-grid from 12x12x1 and increased it to 40x40x1. The issue is that
>> neither “total
>> > energy” nor the “forces on atoms” are converged in other words
>> fluctuations of
>> > energies and forces are obsereved. Here are a table of some energy and
>> forces
>> > for  different k-grid meshes of borophene
>> > structure:
>> >
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>> >
>> K-grid
>> >
>> >
>> Total
>> > Energy (eV)
>> >
>> >
>> Atomic
>> > forces (eV/A)
>> >
>> >
>> 15x15
>> >
>> >
>> -206.414196
>> >
>> >
>> 1   -0.000001   -0.000005
>> > -0.131499
>> >
>> 2   -0.000002   -0.000004    0.131227
>> >
>> >
>> 17x17
>> >
>> >
>> -206.410794
>> >
>> >
>> 1    0.000000   -0.000003
>> > -0.423281
>> >
>> 2    0.000004   -0.000001    0.423056
>> >
>> >
>> 20x20
>> >
>> >
>> -206.413284
>> >
>> >
>> 1    0.000001   -0.000006
>> > -0.287325
>> >
>> 2   -0.000002    0.000002    0.287087
>> >
>> >
>> 23x23
>> >
>> >
>> -206.414429
>> >
>> >
>> 1    0.000000   -0.000000
>> > -0.355986
>> >
>> 2   -0.000002   -0.000005    0.355733
>> >
>> >
>> 25x25
>> >
>> >
>> -206.423565
>> >
>> >
>> 1   -0.000001   -0.000000
>> > -0.416997
>> >
>> 2   -0.000002   -0.000003    0.416772
>> >
>> >
>> 27x27
>> >
>> >
>> -206.424037
>> >
>> >
>> 1   -0.000002   -0.000006
>> > -0.308230
>> >
>> 2   -0.000001    0.000000    0.307990
>> >
>> >
>> 30x30
>> >
>> >
>> -206.422290
>> >
>> >
>> 1   -0.000001   -0.000004
>> > -0.313348
>> >
>> 2   -0.000000   -0.000002    0.313111
>> >
>> >
>> 33x33
>> >
>> >
>> -206.423341
>> >
>> >
>> 1   -0.000002   -0.000008
>> > -0.368439
>> >
>> 2   -0.000001   -0.000005    0.368198
>> >
>> >
>> 35x35
>> >
>> >
>> -206.422301
>> >
>> >
>> 1    0.000002   -0.000004
>> >  -0.275519
>> >
>> 2   -0.000002    0.000001    0.275263
>> >
>> >
>> 38x38
>> >
>> >
>> -206.420742
>> >
>> >
>> 1    0.000002    0.000000
>> > -0.288896
>> >
>> 2   -0.000000    0.000001    0.288655
>> >
>> >
>> 40x40
>> >
>> >
>> -206.420015
>> >
>> >
>> 1   -0.000001   -0.000005
>> > -0.357026
>> >
>> 2   -0.000000    0.000000    0.356782
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> The
>> > input.fdf file that is used in simulations is as follow:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >>>>>
>> >
>> SystemName                      B
>> >
>> SystemLabel                     Borophene
>> >
>> NumberOfAtoms                   2
>> >
>> NumberOfSpecies                 1
>> >
>> ##################
>> >
>> #Basis#
>> >
>> ##################
>> >
>> PAO.BasisSize                   DZP
>> >
>> ##################
>> >
>> #ChemicalSpecies#
>> >
>> ##################
>> >
>> %block
>> > ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>> >
>>   1
>> > 5   B
>> >
>> %endblock
>> > ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>> >
>> ##################################
>> >
>> LatticeConstant                                           1.00 Ang
>> >
>> >
>> %block LatticeVectors
>> >
>> 1.60000   0.0000
>> > 0.0000
>> >
>> 0.00000   2.8200
>> > 0.0000
>> >
>> 0.00000   0.0000
>> > 20.000
>> >
>> %endblock
>> > LatticeVectors
>> >
>> >
>> AtomicCoordinatesFormat
>> > Ang
>> >
>> >
>> %block
>> > AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>> >
>> 0.00000                     0.00000
>> 0.00000                     1
>> >
>> 0.80000                     1.41000
>> >           0.91000                     1
>> >
>> %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>> >
>> >
>> BandLinesScale
>> ReciprocalLatticeVectors
>> >
>> >
>> %block BandLines
>> >
>> 1     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     Gamma
>> >
>> 200   0.5000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     X
>> >
>> 200   0.5000000000     0.5000000000     0.0000000000     S
>> >
>> 200   0.0000000000     0.5000000000     0.0000000000     Y
>> >
>> 200   0.0000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     Gamma
>> >
>> %endblock BandLines
>> >
>> >
>> %block    kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
>> >
>>  15
>> > 0    0    0.0
>> >
>>  0
>> > 15    0    0.0
>> >
>>  0
>> > 0     1     0.0
>> >
>> %endblock
>> > kgrid_Monkhorst_pack
>> >
>> ################
>> >
>> #DFT, Grid, SCF#
>> >
>> ################
>> >
>> SolutionMethod                  diagon
>> >
>> XC.Functional                   GGA
>> >
>> XC.authors                        PBE
>> >
>> SpinPolarized                     F
>> >
>> NonCollinearSpin              F
>> >
>> FixSpin                              F
>> >
>> TotalSpin                          0.0
>> >
>> SingleExcitation                F
>> >
>> MeshCutoff                       300 Ry
>> >
>> MaxSCFIterations                100
>> >
>> DM.MixingWeight                 0.3
>> >
>> DM.NumberPulay                  6
>> >
>> DM.NumberKick                   5
>> >
>> DM.KickMixingWeight         0.2
>> >
>> DM.MixSCF1                      F
>> >
>> DM.Tolerance                    0.0001
>> >
>> DM.InitSpinAF                   F
>> >
>> EggboxScale                     1 eV
>> >
>> #####################
>> >
>> #Eigenvalue problems#
>> >
>> #####################
>> >
>> MD.TypeOfRun                    CG
>> >
>> MD.VariableCell                    F
>> >
>> MD.NumCGsteps                   0
>> >
>> MD.MaxCGDispl                   0.2 Bohr
>> >
>> MD.PreconditionVariableCell     5.0 Ang
>> >
>> MD.MaxForceTol                  0.001 eV/Ang
>> >
>> ##################
>> >
>> #Parallel options#
>> >
>> ##################
>> >
>> BlockSize                       8
>> >
>> DiagMemory                      2.00                    # Default value
>> >
>> DiagScale                       1.25
>> >
>> TryMemoryIncrease               T                       # Default value
>> >
>> ################
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> It’s
>> > worth to say that I simulated BlackP by same INPUT.fdf file, and there
>> were not
>> > any fluctuation in energy and forces. Here are a table of some energy
>> > and forces for different k-grid meshes of Black phosphorene structure.
>> >
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>> >
>> K-grid
>> >
>> >
>> Total
>> > Energy (eV)
>> >
>> >
>> Atomic
>> > forces (eV/A)
>> >
>> >
>> 12x12
>> >
>> >
>> -834.239365
>> >
>> >
>> 1    1.028242    0.000000    0.123389
>> >
>> 2   -1.168924   -0.000003
>> > -0.124082
>> >
>> 3    1.182128    0.000001
>> > -0.130042
>> >
>> 4   -1.021002    0.000000    0.123803
>> >
>> >
>> 15x15
>> >
>> >
>> -834.239563
>> >
>> >
>> 1    1.026970   -0.000001    0.121664
>> >
>> 2   -1.167701   -0.000001
>> > -0.122354
>> >
>> 3    1.180904    0.000003
>> > -0.128320
>> >
>> 4   -1.019726   -0.000000    0.122082
>> >
>> >
>> 18x18
>> >
>> >
>> -834.239611
>> >
>> >
>> 1    1.026466   -0.000001    0.121037
>> >
>> 2   -1.167212   -0.000000
>> > -0.121726
>> >
>> 3    1.180422    0.000002
>> > -0.127694
>> >
>> 4   -1.019227   -0.000001    0.121454
>> >
>> >
>> 21x21
>> >
>> >
>> -834.239629
>> >
>> >
>> 1    1.026270   -0.000002    0.120792
>> >
>> 2   -1.167025   -0.000001
>> > -0.121484
>> >
>> 3    1.180231    0.000001
>> > -0.127446
>> >
>> 4   -1.019028   -0.000001    0.121212
>> >
>> >
>> 24x24
>> >
>> >
>> -834.239634
>> >
>> >
>> 1    1.026188   -0.000001    0.120697
>> >
>> 2   -1.166949    0.000000
>> > -0.121387
>> >
>> 3    1.180158    0.000002
>> > -0.127350
>> >
>> 4   -1.018948   -0.000001    0.121115
>> >
>> >
>> 27x27
>> >
>> >
>> -834.239638
>> >
>> >
>> 1    1.026157   -0.000000    0.120657
>> >
>> 2   -1.166919   -0.000001
>> > -0.121349
>> >
>> 3    1.180126    0.000002
>> > -0.127309
>> >
>> 4   -1.018913    0.000000    0.121076
>> >
>> >
>> 30x30
>> >
>> >
>> -834.239638
>> >
>> >
>> 1    1.026142   -0.000002    0.120640
>> >
>> 2   -1.166907   -0.000000
>> > -0.121333
>> >
>> 3    1.180114    0.000002
>> > -0.127294
>> >
>> 4   -1.018900   -0.000001    0.121060
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> Could
>> > you let me know If I did something wrong with .fdf file in the first
>> case?
>> >
>> Regards,
>> Najmeh Honari

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