Dear All,

I have one example for 2D print of wave functions for graphene.
This is a complete set of input and output files:

There are pictures for DOS, PDOS, e-bands, 2D wave functions and charge at Gamma point,
1D slices were obtained additionally as subset of points from 2D.
Also you can find gnuplot print scripts, binaries for linux fc11
of gnubands, denchar (with my fixes + fixed files), readwf, and one python script to read pdos.xml file.

Best regards, Mikhail.

On 09/09/2010 01:46 PM, shizheng wen wrote:
Dear all,
These days I am trying to use the Denchar program. It seems that the program can only deal with the orthogonal crystal vector. So if I want to plot the wavefuction of the non-orthogonal lattice vectors based system, how can I do this?
Best regards,
Shizheng Wen

2010/5/31 Jackie Wan < <>>

    Dear All,

    First of all, thank you for your time.

    I’m learning to analyze the results, such as to visualize the
    molecular orbital and also look into the DOS and PDOS et. al. But
    when go through the Denchar program and its user guide, I cannot
    really catch it idea and had some problem. I wonder if someone can
    give some example more explicit about how to make use of
    wavefunction and electron density file produced by the SIESTA. For
    example, for the experience one, if you could give an example
    about H2O or some other simple molecule with the visualizing
    program XcrySDen. And some explains or comments would be appreciates.

    It may be a waste of time for you to do this, so maybe just
    comment some idea, and if possible, please also include some

    Thank you very much in advance.

    And thanks for your time again!

    Best regards,


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