
You should remove the comment character from: 

#%endblock LatticeVectors 


----- El 21 de Septiembre de 2022, a las 12:23, Amal Yassin 
<amalyassin...@gmail.com> escribió: 

| Dear Siesta Users
| I make run to carbone nanotube armchair, but i find an error, can anyone helle
| me to solve this error? ( I added also fdf file here)

| FDF module: fdf_bline: block_fdf structure not initialized

| File: fdf.F90
| Line: 2803
| ****************************** ****************************** *
| STOP Stopping Program

| FDF file:
| SystemLabel arm

| NumberOfAtoms 12
| NumberOfSpecies 1

| %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
| 1 6 C
| %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

| LatticeConstant 1.0 Ang
| %block LatticeVectors
| 25.000 0.0 0.0
| 0.000 2.50108130 0.0
| 0.0000 25.0 0.0
| #%endblock LatticeVectors

| #%block LatticeParameters
| # 7,476200 7,476200 2,464300 90,000000 90,000000 120,000000
| #%endblock LatticeParameters

| AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
| %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpec ies
| 0,776200000 0,500000000 0,000000000 1
| 0,813800000 0,706100000 0,000000000 1
| 0,776200000 0,776200000 0,500000000 1
| 0,607700000 0,813800000 0,500000000 1
| 0,500000000 0,776200000 0,000000000 1
| 0,293900000 0,607700000 0,000000000 1
| 0,223800000 0,500000000 0,500000000 1
| 0,186200000 0,293900000 0,500000000 1
| 0,223800000 0,223800000 0,000000000 1
| 0,392300000 0,186200000 0,000000000 1
| 0,500000000 0,223800000 0,500000000 1
| 0,706100000 0,392300000 0,500000000 1
| %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpec ies

| PAO.BasisType split
| PAO.BasisSize DZP
| PAO.EnergyShift 50 meV

| SolutionMethod diagon
| PAO.SplitNorm 0,150000

| XC.functional LDA
| XC.Authors PZ
| SpinPolarized false
| MeshCutoff 300,000000 Ry

| %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
| 10 0 0 0.0
| 0 1 0 0.0
| 0 0 10 0.0
| %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

| MD.MaxForceTol 0,0050000 eV/Ang
| MD.InitialTimeStep 1
| MD.FinalTimeStep 1
| MD.LengthTimeStep 1 fs
| MD.NumCGsteps 0
| MD.TypeOfRun CG
| DM.MixingWeight 0.02
| WriteCoorXmol true
| WriteMDXmol true
| WriteMullikenPop 1
| DM.NumberPulay 5
| ElectronicTemperature 300,000000 K
| MaxSCFIterations 500
| DM.Tolerance 1.d-5
| SolutionMethod diagon
| TS.WriteHS true

| DM.UseSaveDM true
| UseSaveData true
| MD.UseSaveXV true
| MD.UseSaveCG true

| %block BandLines
| 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 \Gamma
| 50 0.0 0.0 0.5 X
| 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 \Gamma
| %endblock BandLines

| %block ProjectedDensityOfStates
| -30.00 20.00 0.2 1000 eV
| %endblock ProjectedDensityOfStates

| %block PAO.basis
| C 3 .35201
| n=2 0 2 E 50.37145 5.22551
| 5.43077 3.08484
| 1.00000 1.00000
| n=2 1 2 E 13.53326 6.81234
| 6.83094 3.01366
| 1.00000 1.00000
| n=2 2 1 E 110.78225 .01065
| 5.04748
| 1.00000
| %endblock PAO.basis

| --
| SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European
| H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)

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