Dear Sir/Madam,
I have optimized a 2D structure and now I want to check the effect of the
electric field on it. The electric field is applied on the optimized
geometry and subsequently we have reoptimized the structure. But for an
electric field upto +0.3 V the job is completed successfully but when I am
applying  electric field +0.4 V or above the job is terminated and the same
is the case for negative electric fields also.
The input and corresponding input is given below:

 # System Descriptor
 SystemName Au-m-GGA
 SystemLabel   Au-m-GGA

 NumberOfAtoms                26
 NumberOfSpecies               1

 %block Chemical_Species_Label
 1      6     C
 %endblock Chemical_Species_Label

 %block PAO.BasisSizes
C       DZP
 %endblock PAO.BasisSizes

 AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
 AtomicCoorFormatOut     Ang

 %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
    3.78005862    1.61529929   11.50023781   1       1  C
    6.57415955    8.73650716   11.49799556   1       2  C
    1.61553822    6.57027182    8.68136550   1       3  C
    8.73472055    3.77673023    8.68241396   1       4  C
    0.21939416    0.21671481   10.09517343   1       5  C
    5.17565910    5.17566955   10.09319694   1       6  C
    4.19759556    2.94827024   11.22988142   1       7  C
    4.64649823    4.03440790   10.87924527   1       8  C
    6.15506182    7.40391635   11.22765445   1       9  C
    5.70516373    6.31821165   10.87716784   1      10  C
    7.40124701    4.19583736    8.94867400   1      11  C
    6.31572365    4.64702927    9.29991588   1      12  C
    2.94910635    6.15163398    8.94762998   1      13  C
    4.03533750    5.70220162    9.29891181   1      14  C
    1.19685865    7.90386972    8.94735967   1      15  C
    0.74733664    8.99015949    9.29833433   1      16  C
    5.62255148    9.68924527   11.74203733   1      17  C
    4.73276947    0.66373959   11.74459753   1      18  C
    0.66229902    5.61706032    8.43658388   1      19  C
    9.68790048    4.72974116    8.43598646   1      20  C
    1.36177440    0.74640359   10.87924369   1      21  C
    2.44747965    1.19630199   11.22975216   1      22  C
    8.99345806    9.60243869   10.87705213   1      23  C
    7.90722002    9.15384380   11.22768929   1      24  C
    9.60490024    1.35778339    9.30034134   1      25  C
    9.15369725    2.44327772    8.94899897   1      26  C
 %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
 LatticeConstant    1.00 Ang

 %block LatticeVectors
        9.914207    0.001153   -0.001408
        0.001153    9.913773   -0.002727
       -0.002935   -0.005685   20.164969
 %endblock LatticeVectors
 %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
 14   0   0 0.0
 0   14   0 0.0
 0    0   2 0.0
 %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

 %block ExternalElectricField
 0.000 0.000 0.400 V/Ang
 %endblock ExternalElectricField

 XC.functional           GGA
 XC.authors              PBE
 SpinPolarized           .true.
 MeshCutoff              350. Ry
 MaxSCFIterations        300
 DM.MixingWeight         0.05
 DM.Tolerance            5.d-5
 DM.NumberPulay          5
 SolutionMethod          diagon
 ElectronicTemperature   300 K
 MD.TypeOfRun            cg
 MD.VariableCell         .true.
 MD.NumCGsteps           800
 MD.MaxForceTol          0.01 eV/Ang
 UseSavedData           .true.

 WriteCoorXmol           .true.
 WriteKpoints            .true.
 WriteEigenvalues        .true.
 WriteKbands             .true.
 WriteBands              .true.
 WriteMullikenPop        1
 WriteMDCoorXmol         .false.
 WriteMDhistory          .false.
 MD.UseSaveXV            .true.
 SaveElectrostaticPotential .true.
 WriteSiestaDim          .true.

No. of atoms with KB's overlaping orbs in proc 0. Max # of overlaps:
122     178
New grid distribution:   1
           1       1:   60    1:   60    1:   20

InitMesh: MESH =   120 x   120 x    40 =      576000
InitMesh: (bp) =    60 x    60 x    20 =       72000
InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =   350.000   387.028 Ry
ExtMesh (bp) on 0 =   124 x   124 x    84 =     1291584
PhiOnMesh: Number of (b)points on node 0 =                72000
PhiOnMesh: nlist on node 0 =              4018350
Dipole moment in unit cell   =      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000 D
Electric field for dipole correction =    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
Dipole moment in unit cell   =      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000 D
Electric field for dipole correction =    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000

        iscf     Eharris(eV)        E_KS(eV)     FreeEng(eV)     dDmax
 Ef(eV) dHmax(eV)
   scf:    1    -4179.287067    -4180.890970    -4180.890971  0.265766
-4.887503  1.739345
     spin moment: S , {S} =   -0.00000       0.0       0.0  -0.00000

Jyotirmoy Deb

DST-INSPIRE Senior Research Fellow

Department of Physics

Assam University, Silchar

Assam, India-788011

Ph. No: +919435589869


SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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