[SIESTA-L] hsx file

2016-11-23 Por tôpico Zahra Talebi
hi every body I need to obtain H (Hamiltonian) and S (overlap) matrices for my project. I added the following lines to the fdf file for this purpose:  COOP.Write T SaveHS T and I got Symbolname.fullzBZ.WFSX symbolname.HSX The manual says, Ishould use hasx2hs but by using this converter I can

[SIESTA-L] hsx file

2016-11-11 Por tôpico Zahra Talebi
hi every body, To get hamiltonian matrix and over lap matrix, I just add a line to me fdf and rung siesta, and I got HSX file. now I don`y know how to get Hamiltonian matrix and over lap matrix from this file. I used  hsx2hs and get the HS file but I cannot use it either.