Was looking at  some of the EHR (Electronic Health Record) world a
while ago.

I think i read correctly somewhere that the UK (NHS) spent 12billion
euro on their National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) project.

A few days ago i read that Australia is going to try and hook all the
hospitals up using the NBN.  Budget somewhere between 1-2 billion to
do so.  I think it will probably include some sort of National unified

I wander if this idea is using decade old thinking.  Why ?  It would
make sense if this was the case where people didn't have home
computers or internet access  and an online life (lets go back 10
years).  Today - just about everyone has a computer (either their
phone) or at home, heck they probably have 2-3 at home right.  We all
have email.  We all have some sort of Online presence - ie. facebook
for most.

This idea that we have to build a big machine to do all the heavy
lifting of communication seems a bit old ( and done already).

Why can't we nominate a digital account where the files are stored ,
and I can own the data, take it with me, carry it on a key (that can
be read onsite by an ambulance driver).

How much medical history does the average person have - i bet
including x-rays, less than 1 GB.
ie. 90% of people get a cold, or break a limb when a kid and that's
it.  But for those that do need extensive medical history that will
impact any analysis - what are we talking about 5% of the
population ?.

In NEHR there is a lot of work on exchange formats going on - that
sounds like a good idea.  But do we also need to own and operate a
massive data store/exchange ?

I was just listening to David Siegel speaking on The Semantic web
(http://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/shows/detail4428.html) and had
some interesting ideas on medical records.

Is this a candidate say for Data Portability ?

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