100% in 20 years (never to happen, as substitution is
asymptotic). That's a terawatt per year installation
rate. And not peak terawatt, mind. 2010 total PV installed was 
10 GW, that is peak GW which is powered by unicorn-grade 

Ability to store and produce gas and liquid fuels 
installed: pretty damn close to zero. Distribution
grid and supergrid: also negligible. 


Futurist Ray Kurzweil isn’t worried about climate change

By Lauren Feeney

February 16, 2011

Ray Kurzweil at JavaOne+Develop 2010 in San Francisco. Photo: Flickr/Yuichi

Author, inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil famously and accurately predicted
that a computer would beat a man at chess by 1998, that technologies that
help spread information would accelerate the collapse of the Soviet Union,
and that a worldwide communications network would emerge in the mid 1990s
(i.e. the Internet).

Most of Kurzweil’s prognostications are derived from his law of accelerating
returns — the idea that information technologies progress exponentially, in
part because each iteration is used to help build the next, better, faster,
cheaper one. In the case of computers, this is not just a theory but an
observable trend — computer processing power has doubled every two years for
nearly half a century.

Kurzweil also believes this theory can be applied to solar energy. As part of
a panel convened by the National Association of Engineers, Kurzweil, together
with Google co-founder Larry Page, concluded that solar energy technology is
improving at such a rate that it will soon be able to compete with fossil

I caught up with Kurzweil when he was in New York promoting a new documentary
about his life to ask him about his optimistic views on the usually gloomy
subject of energy and climate change.

Lauren Feeney: You have made a prediction about the future of solar energy….

Ray Kurzweil: One of my primary theses is that information technologies grow
exponentially in capability and power and bandwidth and so on. If you buy an
iPhone today, it’s twice as good as two years ago for half that cost. That is
happening with solar energy — it is doubling every two years. And it didn’t
start two years ago, it started 20 years ago. Every two years we have twice
as much solar energy in the world.

Today, solar is still more expensive than fossil fuels, and in most
situations it still needs subsidies or special circumstances, but the costs
are coming down rapidly — we are only a few years away from parity. And then
it’s going to keep coming down, and people will be gravitating towards solar,
even if they don’t care at all about the environment, because of the

So right now it’s at half a percent of the world’s energy. People tend to
dismiss technologies when they are half a percent of the solution. But
doubling every two years means it’s only eight more doublings before it meets
a hundred percent of the world’s energy needs. So that’s 16 years. We will
increase our use of electricity during that period, so add another couple of
doublings: In 20 years we’ll be meeting all of our energy needs with solar,
based on this trend which has already been under way for 20 years.

People say we’re running out of energy. That’s only true if we stick with
these old 19th century technologies. We are awash in energy from the

Feeney: In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama set a goal
of running the country on 80 percent renewable energy by 2035, which is a
little bit less ambitious than what you’ve suggested. Are you satisfied with
the goal set by the president?

Kurzweil: 2035 is 24 years. I am saying we can meet all our energy needs from
solar in 20 years. It’s actually pretty consistent with what I’m saying.

Feeney: You have a very optimistic view of the future; eccentric, even. You
believe that eventually we’ll be able to live forever, and maybe even bring
people back from the dead. How would that growth in population affect the
environment? A lot of people are afraid of overpopulation as one of the major
factors in climate change.

Kurzweil: We will be extending the human life expectancy; in fact, we have
done that already. Human life expectancy was 37 years in 1800, 48 in 1900;
it’s now pushing 80. But this is going to go into high gear now that health
and medicine has changed. It used to be hit or miss. We’d just find things —
medicine was just a kind of an organized set of ideas that we discovered
accidentally. We now have the actual means of understanding the software of
life and reprogramming it; we can turn genes off without any interference, we
can add new genes, whole new organs with stem cell therapy. The point is that
medicine is now an information technology — it’s going to double in power
every year. These technologies will be a million times more powerful for the
same cost in 20 years.

However, the same technologies that are going to extend life and nudge up the
biological population are also going to expand the resources. We just talked
about energy, because we are running out of it, but actually we are awash in
energy. We are awash in water — pun intended. Just most of it is dirty and
polluted. And we know how to convert it, today, but it takes energy, which is
why it’s expensive. Once energy is inexpensive, we can create water.

There is a whole set of new food technologies. We are going to go from this
revolution that happened 10,000 years ago of horizontal agriculture to what’s
called vertical agriculture, where we grow plants, fruits, vegetables and
meat in computerized factories by artificial intelligence; hydroponic plants
tended by intelligent robots to create fruits and vegetables, in-vitro cloned
meats, basically just cloning the part of the animal that you want to eat,
which is the muscled tissue. There is no reason to create a whole animal to
get to the parts that we want to eat.

The point is that the same technologies that are going to increase human
longevity are also going to expand the resources and ultimately make them
very inexpensive.

Feeney: You talk about what will happen instead of what might happen. But
there are so many obstacles to dealing with climate change — political
gridlock, consumer apathy. Are you concerned that these things might not
happen because of obstacles like these?

Kurzweil: My main thesis, which I call the law of accelerating returns, is
not affected by the kind of things you are referring to. The exponential
growth of computation is measured in many different ways continued through
the entire 20th century, completely unaffected by the little things like
World War I and II or the Great Depression. It was not affected at all by the
recent economic downturn. This exponential growth of solar energy has
continued through thick and thin.

As the cost per watt of solar falls significantly below coal and oil, people
are going to go to that for economic reasons. It won’t be a political issue.

Feeney: A lot of climate scientists say that we have about 10 years to turn
the situation around, otherwise we’re going to hit this tipping point and we
are all doomed. So you think we’re going to make it?

Kurzweil: Even if those timelines were correct, there will be quite a
transformation within 10 years and certainly within 15 or 20 years. The bulk
of our energy will be coming from these renewable sources. So, I think we
have plenty of time. I think we can make it to the point where these
renewables are taking over. And I think there are reasons besides climate
change to move away from fossil fuels — that whole oil spill, remember that,
that’s not climate change, that’s just pollution. But I don’t see a disaster
happening before we can get there because it is pretty soon at hand.

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