donna earnest wrote:
> At 06:15 PM 6/27/97 -0500, you wrote:
> >You wrote:
> >>
> >>To anyone,
> >>  When I make my CS it comes out a golden color after a couple of
> >hours of
> >>sitting.  After about 4-5 days it them starts to turn black.  Does
> >anyone
> >>know why this is happening?
> >>  Also I may have missed this conversation before but actually what
> >are the
> >>chances of the skin turning gray from prolonged use of the CS.  I
> >currently
> >>take about 8 tablespoons a day of approx. 8ppm. for treatment of lyme.
> > I
> >>would like to increase but want to make sure this does not increase
> >the
> >>chances of the skin turning color.
> >>Thanks for the reply.
> >>Donna
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >Hi Donna
> >It's Arnie again.Since you are suffering with lyme disease I would
> >suggest you get a copy of my brothers book THE MICRO SILVER BULLET by
> >Dr.M.Paul Farber.He is probably one of the first persons to get well
> >from the dreaded Lyme disease. He describes in his book how he did it
> >using silver. He also tells how to rebuild your body while taking the
> >silver and after you get rid of the lyme. Sincerely ARNIE
> >
> >
> >Arnie,
>   Thanks for that info, I am going to check with my library tomorrow and if
> they don't have it I guess it is off to the nearest bookstore.  I really
> appreciate that info.
> DonnaDonna 
If you haven't found the book yet THE MICRO SILVER BULLET,I will be happy 
to send you a complimentary book,all you need do is pay the shipping and 
handling $5.00 and I will send you a copy of Dr. Farbers book.Contrary to 
what was said before, I'm not trying to sell anyone anything on this 
silver list.I'm just trying to pass on some of my knowledge learned from 
Dr. Farber.