To All,

I have been reflecting on the basic chemistry involved in the production
of CS.  We place a charge through two silver electrodes in distilled
water. The concept is that microscopic particles of silver are sintered
off with a postive charge, i.e. the particles are "short" an electron.
The problem is, this is the same setup that is used in the elementary
demonstration of the electrolysis of water. A charge is placed into the
water between two electrodes that causes the hydrogen/oxygen bond to
break resulting in H+ and O- ions that migrate to the oppositely charged
electrode. What I think we are seeing with the "black cloud" that gets
generated between the electrodes is silver oxide.  The positively
charged silver particles react with the negatively charged oxygen.  This
is the same stuff that builds up on fine silverware over time. I think
it's also why one electrode gets a thick black film over it. If this is
is so (and I look to those more sophisticated in chemistry than I for
comment) then what we are producing may not be "pure" colloidal silver.
I am concerned because all the negative biological effects of silver
seem to be associated with silver compounds. Med Line has numerous
instances of deleterious effects  ranging from argyria to seizure
associated with compounds like silver proteins, silver nitrate, and
silver acetate. I have found no negative reports associated with pure
elemental or ionic silver. In fact there is at least one study of long
term handlers of elemental silver that showed no toxic effects. If this
analysis is correct, then it may be worthwhile investigating a way to
rapidly bind the ionic oxygen that is generated during the CS production
thus reducing the presence of silver compounds in the resulting liquid.
This would hopefully make CS an ever safer substance to consume than it
already is.

Looking forward to your responses.


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