CS>So Long

2021-12-10 Thread Phil Morrison
May I say, "Goodbye to Siler-List ... the best damn blog ever." Phil

RE: CS>Moving The Group

2021-11-01 Thread Phil Morrison
Hi Mike D. You were never absent. And you will be missed. All the best, Phil

RE: CS>Moving The Group

2021-10-31 Thread Phil Morrison
Cyndiann finally shut down the Silver-List. And The Winner Is ... The Mad Cow

CS>BOOK: "Covid-19 And The Global Predators: We Are The Prey"

2021-10-24 Thread Phil Morrison
This book thoroughly documents solid answers to these tragic questions about the global predators who are reaping enormous benefits from COVID-19 suffering including wealth, power and the destruction of America as an opposition to globalism.

CS>How Amish Beat Covid Without VAX

2021-10-24 Thread Phil Morrison

RE:CS>the USELESSNESS of the and Lockdowns -- surely NOT a SCIENTIFIC study -- but YES ! . . ????

2021-10-22 Thread Phil Morrison
Lockdowns are more than useless, they are counterproductive. Lockdowns cause reduced industrial activity, and thus there is less pollution in the atmosphere to block solar radiation. Less blocking of solar radiation means more heat transiting thru the atmosphere and warming planet Earth.

CS> Who Knew V

2021-10-18 Thread Phil Morrison

Re: CS>Respiratory Therapist Blows Whistle: "I'm Watching People DIE"

2021-10-17 Thread Phil Morrison
Mary, "The media and the medical system must comply with the mass extermination of humans, the only answer to climate change." "Any one else think like this?" Yes Mary, I think a lot like you, and I'm a scientist who has been researching climate change for the last 10+ years. Civilization is a

CS>CS: Who Knew IV

2021-10-15 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>Who Knew III

2021-10-12 Thread Phil Morrison

CS> Who Knew II

2021-10-11 Thread Phil Morrison

CS> Who Knew

2021-10-10 Thread Phil Morrison


2021-10-02 Thread Phil Morrison
Deborah Re: "She is vaccinated " Some of these crazy vaxxey ingredients can cause "Mad Cow" disease.

CS> Breaking

2021-10-01 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>VAX Problem

2021-09-24 Thread Phil Morrison
Romanian government has closed all vaccine centres because 70% of the citizens won’t get the jab canadafreepress

RE: CS>CS and Cancer?

2021-09-22 Thread Phil Morrison
Besides CS, folks with your concerns should be considering the Silver Pulser from Sota Instrument. Also, a dose of CS takes 30 to transit the body ... in and out. Considering this residual time of silver in body, 2 quarts of regular CS daily probably qualifies for overkill.

RE: CS>Potent antiviral effect of silver nanoparticles on SARS-CoV-2

2021-09-22 Thread Phil Morrison
I make and use CS at 10 ppm (parts per million). At this level CS is entirely safe for people, environment, fish, and most living things, except pathogens. I post the following for red herrings: https://thesilveredge.com/using-colloidal-silver-in-your-fish-tank-or-aquarium/

RE: CS> Indian State - VAX - Ivermectin

2021-09-21 Thread Phil Morrison
FYI . https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-20-indian-state-completely-eradicated-covid-ivermectin.html

RE: CS>Why don't the Amish get "Covid"

2021-09-14 Thread Phil Morrison
Amish don't get Covid for the same reason they don't get autism. They don't believe in vaccines.

RE: CS> Gaslighter

2021-09-12 Thread Phil Morrison
Tony, Much illness and disease can be tied to oxygen deficiency, including cancer. Silver nanoparticles are loaded with oxygen. The silver particle converts this oxygen to reactive oxygen. Silver nanoparticles travel all over within the body. When they connect with abnormal cells, the reactive

RE: CS> Gaslighter

2021-09-11 Thread Phil Morrison
Hi Tony, Normal cells are found in a healthy person. Abnormal cells may be found in a person feeling poorly or sick. Abnormal cells may be cancerous, viruses, cells that shouldn't be found in a person, normally. Cells come in all sizes and shapes. Phil

RE: CS> Gaslighters

2021-09-11 Thread Phil Morrison
Tony, Normal cells get their energy from oxygen, and so handle oxygen very well. Abnormal cells get their energy from fermentation and other sources -- but not oxygen. So, abnormal cells can't deal with oxygen and die when exposed to reactive oxygen. Only silver nanoparticles can make

RE: CS> Gaslighters

2021-09-11 Thread Phil Morrison
When are you "ion floggers" going to get it through your thick souls that it's oxygen, reactive oxygen, that kills most pathogens and not ions. This reactive oxygen is provided only by the silver nanoparticles in CS.

RE: CS> Gaslighters

2021-09-10 Thread Phil Morrison
Ahoy Ion Floggers, Andre, Max, Ode, and sundry others, CS is far superior at killing pathogens than ions. I posted an article earlier on this Forum detailing the advantages of CS colloidal silver over ionic silver. (see below). The reasons why CS can cross the gut lining, and ions cannot cross

RE: CS> Gaslighters

2021-09-09 Thread Phil Morrison
Yo, Max! I thought you were going to bag it, and take your misinformation to another forum. Your latest posting was pure wishful thinking. The science content read like it was written by AI on a vaccinated computer. Nothing made sense. First off, Ions do not cross the gut lining. Only CS can

RE: CS> Gaslighters

2021-09-09 Thread Phil Morrison
Reactive oxygen is what kills pathogens. And only the silver nanoparticles in CS can provide reactive oxygen. Ions are a waste of time.

RE: CS> Gaslighters

2021-09-07 Thread Phil Morrison
CS NPs are far superior at killing pathogens than ionic silver. And gaslighters flogging EIS on this Forum should take their business elsewhere.

RE: CS>the art of making AgCS and Ag NPcs etc

2021-09-07 Thread Phil Morrison
I note that the pseudo-scientists are back again on this Forum promoting ionic over colloidal silver. Well, as I have argued on this Forum several times, only colloidal silver NPs kill pathogens efficiently. NOT ionic silver. Please read the article below to put the matter to rest for all time.

RE: CS> Red Cross not taking blood donations from vaccinated humans

2021-09-06 Thread Phil Morrison
SHOCKER: Red Cross is warning all Americans that Covid-vaccinated humans are INELIGIBLE for donating plasma https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-05-red-cross-warning-covid-vaccinated-ineligible-donating-plasma.html

RE: CS> Still More Herd Immunity

2021-09-03 Thread Phil Morrison
FYI Basic Survival https://rumble.com/vlzlr0-dr.-peter-mccullough-the-vaccine-is-failing-in-the-uk-and-israel-offbeat-bu.html?utm_source=JangoMail_medium=Email_campaign=Good+News+Friday+-+September+3+(343874988)_content=

CS> Achtungs - from Natural News

2021-09-02 Thread Phil Morrison
It's fascinating that two senior FDA officials who have overseen decades of mass vaccinations have now finally reached the end of their tolerance for crimes against humanity. They resigned earlier this week, citing the astonishing fact that the White House, CDC and UN have conspired to lock the

RE: CS>More Herd Immunity

2021-09-01 Thread Phil Morrison
'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/ends-debate-israeli-study-shows-natural-immunity-13x-more-effective-vaccines-stopping

RE: CS> Herd Immunity

2021-09-01 Thread Phil Morrison
Israeli Study Shows the Human immune System Is Stronger Than Vaccines Study suggests herd immunity is compromised by vaccination. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-01-human-immune-system-stronger-than-vaccines.html

RE: CS>Natural Immunity superior to vaccine

2021-08-26 Thread Phil Morrison
Yo Max, you are gaslighting us again. Vaccines cure people. OTOH the covid vax stimulates the growth of pathogens in people thru computer generated gene sequences. This gene sequence acts like an artificial virus in people, turning us into pathogen factories. So, the covid vax isn't a vaccine

Re: CS>Toxicity, Inhalation

2021-08-22 Thread Phil Morrison
The Science article on which toxicity and inhalation of silver vapors, nanoparticles, and dust is based is bogus. It is junk science. A hit piece. One simply cannot scour the silver literature for only negative information and write good/fair science. The authors totally screwed up the silver

CS>Natural News Unravels The Plandemic

2021-08-13 Thread Phil Morrison
CDC also announces covid internment camps. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-11-cdc-announces-covid-internment-camps-for-every-us-city-minimum-humanitarian-standards.html

CS>Natural News Unravels The Plandemic

2021-08-10 Thread Phil Morrison
RED ALERT: Covid internment camps announced in America; Tennessee governor signs EO authorizing National Guard to carry out covid medical kidnappings https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-10-covid-internment-camps-announced-in-america-tennessee-cdc-internment.html

CS>PCR Test Kaput

2021-07-26 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>to the chemists in this group: a question about water

2021-06-28 Thread Phil Morrison
ORP measures gain or loss of oxygen in solution, while pH measures hydrogen ion concentration. Even though pH and ORP are two different factors, it is important to note that pH is not impacted by ORP but ORP is impacted by pH value and chemical contamination of water. Also, pathogens thrive best

CS>Dr. Shiva video Colloidal Silver and the immune system

2021-04-30 Thread Phil Morrison
Dr. Shiva's computer model explains how silver supplements the immune system, but the model is an explanation and not the explanation. While listening to the video, I never heard him use the word "oxygen"one time. Failure to understand the essential oxygen factor in the immune support process

CS>Covid 19 Update

2021-04-28 Thread Phil Morrison


2021-04-22 Thread Phil Morrison
I am a scientist and long-time member of this forum. I stop by this forum regularly for the latest gossip, chitchat, comments, and article postings, and consider it time well spent. Some of the postings are absolute gems for people who know how to read science. For instance, a recent posting on

CS>Are Masks Safe?

2021-04-01 Thread Phil Morrison
Nobel scientist, Otto Warburg, determined back in the 1930s that cancer is caused by oxygen deficiency. Masks are great at creating oxygen deficiencies. Expect an avalanche of cancers in the years following this pandemic.

CS>Covid - The Real Deal

2021-02-15 Thread Phil Morrison
FYI .. http://mileswmathis.com/logic.pdf

CS>RE: Hydroxychloroquinone

2021-02-09 Thread Phil Morrison
~Nenah Sylver I copied my original message to another party, and that msg. arrived intact. Only the silver-list msg was altered to include additional web sites. I followed your explanation as to additional web sites and agree sites were embedded. Maybe you have an explanation for the altered


2021-02-09 Thread Phil Morrison
Correcting my previous message, the only web site on my original msg was Globalresearch. All other web sites were added to my msg without my knowledge or permission. Such is life in the NWO.


2021-02-09 Thread Phil Morrison
"According to the Global Times, a Beijing-based immunologist who requested anonymity said the mRNA vaccines had not proven safe for large-scale use or for preventing infectious diseases . Noting that people

CS>CS Article - New Voice in Silver Story

2021-02-02 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>Why I use CS - And not EIS

2021-01-24 Thread Phil Morrison
The following article explains how colloidal silver nanoparticles carry oxygen, convert it to nascent oxygen, which can then disable the respiratory systems of abnormal cell sites and pathogens. Only colloidal silver particles can adsorb and process oxygen, not ions.

CS>Why I use CS - And not EIS

2021-01-23 Thread Phil Morrison
Hi Victor, your comments welcome, as always. The reason I find CS superior to EIS is in the handling of "oxygen" pure and simple. We know most disease results from oxygen deficiency, including cancer. Silver nanoparticles are loaded with oxygen, and are able to travel throughout the body

CS>Climate Scam continues .... N2O 300 worse than CO2 -- nobody talks !!!!

2021-01-18 Thread Phil Morrison
The present global average temperature is above 2°C (based on preindustrial 1750), heading for 3°C in the next few years. Humans go extinct at ~3°C, and all life on earth vanishes at 5°C. Please visit web site below for global average temperature studies. http://arctic-news.blogspot.com/

CS>Why I use CS - And not EIS

2021-01-16 Thread Phil Morrison
Silver nanoparticles, and not ions, work best. https://www.silver-colloids.com/history-silver/

CS>CS - Why CS Works Better

2020-12-12 Thread Phil Morrison
Why CS works better than EIS https://purevon.com/effectiveness

CS>TDS meter

2020-11-03 Thread Phil Morrison
There are many meters and ways to measure water conductivity. Once you have a reading with one meter, that reading is easily converted to reading in any other measurement system. https://www.lenntech.com/calculators/conductivity/tds_engels.htm

CS>Recent Article - The Amazing Properties of CS

2020-06-06 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>Question about CS and COVID

2020-05-10 Thread Phil Morrison
Natural cells are protected. Foreign cells are toast.

CS>Colloidal Silver Information Update

2020-04-13 Thread Phil Morrison
Silver goes speechless. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-11-fda-ftc-hit-alex-jones-infowars-warnings-coronavirus-silver-speech-tyranny.html

Re:CS>Difference between ionic silver and Ag4O4

2020-04-12 Thread Phil Morrison
Ode Coyote Ag4O4 nanoparticles are stable over a long period of time. AgO nanoparticles are unstable and decompose easily.

Re:CS>Difference between ionic silver and Ag4O4.

2020-04-11 Thread Phil Morrison
Ode Coyote AgO and Ag4O4 are quite different molecules. See below "The device molecular crystal contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of "firing" electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device electrons

Re:CS>Difference between ionic silver and Ag4O4

2020-04-10 Thread Phil Morrison
Tetrasilver Tetroxide was developed by Marvin Antelman about 25 years ago. Marvin tested Ag4O4 against CS and found little difference in efficacy between the two. He did not test Ag4O4 against ionic silver.

CS>Corona plandemic

2020-04-08 Thread Phil Morrison
G-mail Since the lockdowns, air pollution has dropped precipitously. We no longer have enough industrial aerosols in the atmosphere to block solar radiation from overheating the planet. The Globalists better declare victory over our present distractions and get the world back to work pretty damn

RE: CS>Virus Envelope

2020-04-05 Thread Phil Morrison
Basic explanation: Silver nano-particles AgNP destroy the protective shield (shell, coating, knobs) of the virus by oxidation. The AgNP physically absorbs and carries oxygen within its silver atom matrix, activates the oxygen in the process, and discharges the activated oxygen on pathogens,

CS>Vaccination or No Vaccination

2020-01-30 Thread Phil Morrison
"World Health Organization and UNICEF, which issued a joint statement admitting the vaccine is causing polio." "Polio vaccines are often cited as a success story proving that vaccines work to eliminate infectious disease. In truth, *nearly all the cases of polio in the modern world are caused by

CS>Silver Research

2020-01-27 Thread Phil Morrison
FYI .. https://rense.com/general68/kills.htm

CS>Bugs & Flu

2020-01-21 Thread Phil Morrison
The Deep State has the MSM flogging bugs and flu like crazy these days. Dr. Rima Laibow has an informative youtube video about Eugenics, including the flu at 1:14:30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7dBXdw5B3A

CS>Does silver lodge in organs?

2020-01-15 Thread Phil Morrison
David Bearrow is wrong to suggest taking mineral selenium with CS. However, taking an organic and natural selenium like selenomethionine works just fine. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/bbb1961/47/4/47_4_807/_pdf

CS>Interesting Source of Blue Man II

2020-01-15 Thread Phil Morrison
This is the correct web site. Sorry for the confusion. https://www.jeolusa.com/APPLICATIONS/REALab-Customer-Stories/The-Blue-Man

CS>Interesting Source of Blue Man

2020-01-15 Thread Phil Morrison
FYI ... https://selenide.org/documentation/selenide-vs-selenium.html

CS>Does silver lodge in organs?

2020-01-13 Thread Phil Morrison
Silver is in and out of the body in 30 days, which is why one must take CS regularly to maintain a proper balance. CS is approved to purify water. Of course, even water can be abused.

CS>Why you should learn to make colloidal silver

2019-11-27 Thread Phil Morrison
The article on the web site noted below was posted to this forum a few years ago. In this article, Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg explains how cancer is caused by oxygen deficiency. CS nanoparticles not only carry oxygen throughout the body, but elevate the energy level of the oxygen in the

CS>CS and Sota -- Both

2019-10-22 Thread Phil Morrison
Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg explains (below) how oxygen maintains a healthy body. Both CS and Sota Silver Pulsar help oxygenate the body. http://www.whale.to/a/warburg.html http://healingtools.tripod.com/primecause2.html


2019-09-23 Thread Phil Morrison
As you will read in the following article on best practices for producing CS, ionic silver can be toxic, caustic, and kill bacteria indiscriminately ... the good along with the bad. Also, ionic silver is chemically reactive, and may not survive long "as is" in the body to any good purpose. Use

CS>True Colloidal Silver

2019-09-21 Thread Phil Morrison
True colloidal silver is filled with mostly nano-particles (not ions), thus providing the optimum active surface area per unit of silver, and has a light golden color. EIS is a clear silver solution mostly filled with ions (not particles), which results in a lower health efficiency value per unit

CS>Colloidal Gold

2019-06-10 Thread Phil Morrison
To: Deb Gerard RA ... radioactivity? Ref please.

CS>Colloidal gold

2019-06-09 Thread Phil Morrison
Colloidal silver is a natural pathogen killer. Colloidal gold is not. Why are we flogging colloidal gold on a CS Forum? The are many handy ways to use hydrogen peroxide, see below. https://wakeup-world.com/2012/07/09/27-amazing-benefits-and-uses-for-hydrogen-peroxide/

CS>Question About Cyber Scan

2019-05-25 Thread Phil Morrison
Sounds like bioresonance, which is a great way to run a whole-body diagnosis. Check some youtube videos for more information.


2019-03-14 Thread Phil Morrison
For an understanding of the calculation, plug numbers into conversion chart below: http://www.cleavebooks.co.uk/scol/ccalcoh4.htm

CS> Interesting Information

2019-03-02 Thread Phil Morrison
Especially comments on the 2nd page: https://www.honeycolony.com/article/amazing-benefits-of-silver/ https://www.honeycolony.com/shop/colloidal-silver-healer/

CS>Fwd: Colloidal Silver vs EIS Silver

2019-02-16 Thread Phil Morrison
-- Forwarded message - From: Phil Morrison Date: Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 1:20 PM Subject: Colloidal Silver vs EIS Silver To: Phil Morrison EIS produces silver ions, which carry a positive valence charge of +1. LVDC produces metallic silver nano-particles (AgNP), which carry

CS>Nano Silver

2019-01-31 Thread Phil Morrison
The term 'colloidal silver' is more likely used in the chemistry arena, 'EIS' is more likely in the physics arena. We are in the chemical arena, so CS is the appropriate term here. Both silver particles and ions work to control pathogens, each in their own way. You might say particles work

CS>Silver Ions Backgrounder

2018-10-04 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>Re: CS/blood electrification

2018-08-01 Thread Phil Morrison
@MaryAnn FYI ... references Bob Beck still keeps a good web site. Also Google Bob Beck with specific app for long lists of references. But I found Bob Beck youtube videos my best source of information. Phil

CS>Re: CS/blood electrification

2018-07-31 Thread Phil Morrison
Blood electrification operates on a periodic square wave platform. Rivitive and the like operate on a periodic sine wave function. These are totally different waveforms ... no comparison. The square wave restores the blood colloidal system, separates sticky cells and breaks up agglomerates,

CS>Big C and CBD Oil

2018-06-27 Thread Phil Morrison

Re: CS>Ebola and CS

2018-05-23 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>Sodium Carbonate and "reducer" to make colloidal silver rather than ionic

2018-03-21 Thread Phil Morrison
Adding anything to pure distilled water used to make CS is counterproductive. Making CS is a KISS process.

CS>CS Page

2018-03-18 Thread Phil Morrison
Page found on LymeDiseaseResource.com http://lymediseaseresource.com/Colloidal_Silver.html

Re: Error? cancer cures Re: CS>CBD Oil Survivor

2018-03-01 Thread Phil Morrison
@Karen Interesting you noted studies in early 1930s, as Warburg received Nobel Prize in 1931 for discovery that oxygen kills cancer cells.


2018-02-09 Thread Phil Morrison
There is no difference between CS and EIS. They are just two names for the same chemical system. Chemists use CS. Physicists use both CS & EIS.

CS>Re: CS and Viruses

2018-02-08 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>Argyria question for Reid

2017-12-16 Thread Phil Morrison
As posted previously on this forum, colloidal silver is the only form of silver solution NOT deposited under the skin. Reid better look elsewhere than properly made CS for the cause of his Argyria condition. http://www.electrobiotics.com/PDFs/BobBeckPaper.pdf

CS>Kaali Patent for Blood Electrification - Plus Beck on CS

2017-10-14 Thread Phil Morrison
The Beck lecture covers both electrification and CS in great detail, including colloidal gold. Also in paper is research showing that CS is the only form of silver that does NOT turn you blue. http://simpleeasyfree.com/suppressed-medical-discovery/

CS>Earth Clinic true Colloidal Silver

2017-09-25 Thread Phil Morrison
These are some crazy videos. And rather complete with disinformation. They should be removed from list ASAP. IMHO

CS>CBD Oil Survivor

2017-09-13 Thread Phil Morrison

CS>CS Affects On Vision

2017-09-12 Thread Phil Morrison
The following is one of several such comments about CS and vision on another web site. "For while we were living next to the Mexican border, an apparent nanoparticulate blanket was thickly applied to the area and my vision gradually became filmy. I thought I had cataracts. As acuity diminished

CS> Fish Thrive Using Colloidal Silver

2017-06-30 Thread Phil Morrison
One can search "fish" in achieve and find this article. http://www.thesilveredge.com/using-colloidal-silver-in-your-fish-tank-or-aquarium.shtml#.WVaJQoqQz-Z

CS> Trump lifts ban on deadly pesticide

2017-06-28 Thread Phil Morrison
@Deborah Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides et al are designed to attack genetic material through ionizing reaction. They are radiomimetric and indistinguishable from radiation reactions. An Italian researcher once calculated the ionizing damage caused by 1 million pounds of these genetic

CS> How Silver Kills Virus - video

2017-06-27 Thread Phil Morrison

CS> Mike Is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Phil Morrison
So, Mike lets the list run itself. This works just fine IMHO. Been great for silver, too.

CS>Adding anything to CS is counterproductive

2017-05-08 Thread Phil Morrison
Malcolm, An understanding of CS chemistry gets complicated, even for people in the business. A firm understanding of silver ions and particles – and their differences, is essential. I think you will find the following web site helpful: http://www.silver-colloids.com/Papers/FAQ.html Phil

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