James, et al,

The silver used was WaterOZ.    The person in question got the diagnosis of
Argyria from
one Dr. (purely by looks, no tests or blood work were ever done, from what I
was told)
went to a 2nd Dr for a 2nd opinion, and THAT Dr. did not feel that it was
and also ran blood tests etc, as I remember.


> Mary and all,
> Argyria has never been demonstrated to be reversed.
> Therefore, whatever Mary's patients condition, it was not Argyria. [Never
> say never, but very low probability]
> Some considerations:   Were the affected people in the same geographic
> area?   Were they using water from the same source?   Was it well water
> from a small private well?
> Was there any sort of industrial activity in the area where the smurfed
> people live?
> Is there a sample of the silver available?  Can more of the homemade
> be made, using the same water as before?
> James Osbourne Holmes
> a...@trail.com

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