Thank you so much for the interesting info on flouride. I found out through an ELISA/ACT blood test for determining allergies a year ago that I'm allergic to sodium flouride. For the last year I have been buying my drinking water (distilled or run through a RO filter) and using non-flouridated toothpaste for myself only. I developed a flouride allergy d/t my leaky gut syndrome directly related to my systemic yeast infestation.
I didn't give eliminating flouride from my family much thought until just recently. When I took my four year old son for his semi-annual cleaning last month, my dentist informed me that his next visit he would be starting flouride treatments on him. I didn't say anything but that got me thinking if I should really go along with this and I came home and did a little investigating on the internet. I had already made up my mind that no way would either of my kids be getting flouride treatments but this infomation that I read on this list has clinched it. I will also be giving them bottled water from now on and shopping at my local health food store for a flouride free toothpaste for them also. Thanks again, I will be reading more on this web site when I have the time. Sue