If this post came through earlier, would someone give me a heads-up. I did not see any evidence that it did, indeed, come through.
Brooks Bradley.

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Date : Thu, 15 Oct 2009 15:41:41 -0400 (EDT)

From : "Brooks Bradley" <brooks76...@lycos.com>

To : <silver-list@eskimo.com>

Dear Paul,

As you may be aware, Dystonia is a VERY difficult insult to address. Mainly because conventional medical science knows very little about root causes......and LESS about effective treatment schemes. Because of the nature of the presenting symptoms (they vary in both areas of insult and severity. While we have no direct experience with this disorder, our suspicion is the majority of the actual damage is kin to that of Alzheimer's....transmissible Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, and especially those expressing involuntary muscle contractions such as Parkinson's, etc. If, in actuality, there is some validity to our suspicions.....some form of restorative influence to the disabled neurological environment, might be enhanced through supplemental introduction of beneficial organic compounds (e.g. virgin coconut oil [especially liposomal encapsulation], elevated oxygen intake, such as hyperbaric exposure, megadosing with alpha Lipoic Acid, etc. Additionally, as! an immediate and possibly helpful research measure....Botox might provide some degree of relief from involuntary convulsive presentations. Botox has, in a consequential number of cases, been quite effective in relieving much of the more violent involuntary muscle contractions....in some cases providing temporary prevention of severe episodes altogether.....especially convulsive components. We are, at present, conducting some research evaluations addressing short-term memory loss and Alzheimer's insults....using virgin coconut oil as a major protocol component. Early data results are quite promising. Repair of the destroyed or highly scarred nerve tissue does not---at present---appear to be a viable option. However, protocols involving the use of Medium Chain Triglycerides, ketone bodies (especially Beta- hydroxybutyrate) and fatty acids.....have been employed by Dr. Richard Veech, with very

promising results.

While our principal concentrations are, at present, centered on memory challenges----both short-term aberrations and general losses----it does appear that the lesions/damage presenting in these corollary disorders, are quite similar to the type manifesting in many cases characterized as dystonia.

While it is counter-productive to argue against the entrenched allopathic Medicine/Drug Cartel union....it might be worthwhile to observe that prophylactic measures mitigating against viral insults, could be of much greater value....than corrective attempts---after-the-fact. To wit: vibrant health support techniques, supports, and foodstuffs.

In any case, it does appear to be true that the truly damaging event....in a majority of these various neurological challenges....is the result of pathogenic activity----and especially viral agents and/or rogue protein modifications.

It is an intriguing consideration as to what the outcome of the young woman's case might have been---had she ingested a companion dose of EIS.....simultaneously, with her flu vaccination.

These comments are of a speculative nature only.....but may serve to encourage MUCH CAUTION before submitting to ANY of the current vaccination programs.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

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Date : Wed, 14 Oct 2009 16:36:59 -0700

From : "paul catania" <squigg...@embarqmail.com>

To : <silver-list@eskimo.com>

Dear group,

This is slightly off topic but very relevant...



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