---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Re: CS>cs & eye infections

Date : Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:56:11 -0400 (EDT)

From : "Brooks Bradley" <brooks76...@lycos.com>

To : <silver-list@eskimo.com:Comment>

We have used DMSO X Colloidal Silver as an experimental eye support protocol

for addressing various infections.......with universally effective results......over the immediately-past 15 years. Properly made Colloidal Silver is very benign and does not present any form of toxicity when used independently of protein compounds. Our best results were effected from using 2% to 5% DMSO (by volume) mixed with 95% (by volume) of 5 ppm to 10 ppm strength Electrically Isolated Colloidal Silver. The volume used is at the pleasure of the individual Experimental medical volunteer. Five drops has proven to be a very acceptable median dosage (for the affected eye).

We have not evaluated or experimented with glaucoma sufferers using CS as a direct address.....for that specific presentation. There appears to be little evidence that Colloidal Silver would have any direct effect upon the pressure imbalances presenting in glaucoma challenges. However, CS offers (in our opinion) an excellent means for addressing any pathogenic challenge occurring in the general environment of the eye proper. Our experience has been that Colloidal Silver is, for all practical purposes, non-reactive to the entire family of commercially available antibiotics, and their derivatives. However, it seems to be common practice among the allopathic community to cast aspersions upon the usefulness of CS.....generated primarily by the personal ignorance of the individual physician. In light of this consideration, it is most likely that the 83 year old lady will not deviate from a belief system acquired through a life-time of re-enforced conditioning..! ..by a somewhat predatory


One comment in passing: We have heard, indirectly, that one "leading edge" research group HAS produced quite measurable pressure reduction effects employing a protocol incorporating DMSO as an adjunctive element.......for relieving elevated fluid pressures. Please do not contact me for information identifying this group-----I do not have the liberty to identify them.

Maybe a search using Google and/or Dogpile could assist one in locating information along this research line.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. Harborne Research Foundation.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Re: CS>cs & eye infections

Date : Fri, 14 br 2007 16:09:56 -0500

From : Clayton Family <clay...@skypoint.com>

To : silver-list@eskimo.com

I have had redness and br in my eye and the cs clears it up pretty

fast. I don't know anything about glaucoma, though, it seems like the

CS will only be a positive.

Steroids are usually a bad idea in my opinion, because if there are any

fungal issues hidden, it can cause them to flare up and could become

out of control. It is commonly prescribed, though.

You can tell her I use it as br (my homemade 10 ppm or even 5),

and at times it can sting, if my eyes are sore already, but it does get

rid of the infection.


On br 14, 2007, at 2:20 PM, Dianne France wrote:

> I was hoping someone could direct me in a direction to get data on eye

> infections and treatment with cs. My 83 year old mother has glaucoma

> and has gone blind in one eye due to doctor error during an

> operation. The other eye also has glaucoma but has been getting

> infections. They have treated it with steroids which send her

> pressure up and then they take her off and put her on other drops to

> lower pressure but long story short she is loosing her sight. Her

> optic nerve is thin so it complicates things. I ask her to try the

> colloidal silver for the infection and she refused saying she couldn't

> be sure how it would react with the glaucoma. They can't seem to get

> rid of the infection and she is going to be the one to loose.


> If I had some data I could read to her she might try but I'm afraid

> she is going to be blind. Her pressure is up to 33 in the one eye she

> has left.


> I someone has suggestions I would appreciate any help.


> Dianne




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