Dear Gail,
I desire to make a comment I feel might be constructive. In your recent email to Patrice
you suggested the employment of MSM as the preferred adjunct to Colloidal Silver. While MSM is an excellent stand-alone protocol, it WILL NOT ENTRAIN Colloidal Silver. Therefore it is unable to carry the CS through the mucous barriers which may be isolating the insult field. On the other hand, DMSO is perfectly suited for entraining AND transporting all entrained substances (including CS) through the mucous coverings of any of the epithelial tissues.....both alimentary and pulmonary.
Additionally, except in cases presenting with severe insults, 5% (by volume) of full strength DMSO has demonstrated to be quite effective in delivering very acceptable results. This is especially important when realizing that a consequential percentage of the general populace has a rather low gag reflex threshold.....for DMSO (much less so for MSM).
I hope these comments are of value to you.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : CS>Nebulizing with CS

Date : Thu, 3 Apr 2008 12:59:28 -0700 (PDT)

From : Gail Naranjo <>

To :


> From: Patrice Noma wrote:


> How much CS should I put into the

> nebulizer? How many breaths should we take or how

> many minutes should we inhale? How many times a

> week would this be advised? Would using a mask have

> a weaker effect than using a mouthpiece? Shorter

> time with a mouthpiece than with a mask? I only

> have a mouthpiece. Would it be an invitation to

> trouble for us to share the mouthpiece or would the

> silver kill any potential germs?


>Hi Patrice,

The standard protocol is: 1oz. CS mixed with 1/4

tsp.-1/2 tsp. MSM. Mix the MSM (great for lungs) in

the oz. of CS; let dissovle, then nebulize. However,

the little cup on my nebulizer will not hold the full

oz., so I just fill the little cup and save the

remaining mixture for another treatmeant later on in

the day.

The standard treatment for respirtory infection is 20

minutes 3 X daily until infection is gone. Could take

a few days or not depending on how severe the

infection is.

I do not have any experience with a mask. However, I

have nephews that have asthma that are very young who

use a mask and it seems to work very well for them.

No personal experience myself. Have only used the


I would not want to share the mouthpiece with somebody

else unless first washing and disinfecting it before

they use it after I have. Simple hygiene.

Some have also have good results by mixing a little

DMSO in with the CS. It is usually suggested using a

10% mixture of DMSO with the CS when using DMSO.

Everybody I have talked to or seen use this protocol

has had success.



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