At 10:21 PM 8/11/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi List,
>Here is a situation I haven't seen addressed on the list before.   I just
>found out about thirty minutes ago that one of my friends has been bitten
>by a Brown Recluse spider on his shin and at the moment the bite has spread
>to roughly two inches in diameter..  Does anyone on the list know of anyone
>that has effectively dealt with this problem using a zapper, Rife
>equipment, colloidal silver or any other alternative curing method?  Please
>post answers to list for others benefits.
>Thanks heaps,
>      >>>>>  Harvey Flatbush  <<<<<
>      <<<<<  Ione, Washington >>>>> 

Activated charcoal has been mentioned as a poison control by a member of a
goat owner's list.  I will forward your message to them, and see if they
can provide more direct information.   They have a book available on the

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