oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
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Peers of sanguine expectation,greetings,


  The millions of tiny pitlike glands of the intestinal wall contain
several types of secretory cells. The mixture of digestive fluids they
secrete is called *intestinal juice*. It is slightly alkaline and
contains mucus in addition to its digestive enzymes.
  One group of I.J. (intestinal juice) enzymes, called peptides, breaks
down various protein fragments such as tripeptides and dipeptides. This
group completes the digestion of these fragments into separate amino
acids. A second group of I.J. enzymes completes the digestion of
carbohydrates into monosaccharides. For example, maltase hydrolizes
maltose into glucose molecules. Sucrase separates sucrose (cane sugar)
into glucose and fructose. Lactase breaks molecules of lactose (milk
sugar) into glucose and galactose. The enzyme *enterokinase* is also
present. This enzyme plays a part in activating an enzyme in the
pancreatic juice. Other enzymes in the I.J. are a fat-digesting  lipase
and enzymes that hydrolyze the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. The liver is
the largest gland in the body. It performs a variety of functions, one
of which is the production of a clear yellow or orange fluid called
bile. Bile has no digestive enzymes. Bile contains substances known as
bile salts,they prepare fatty materials so the enzymes of other fluids
can digest them. Thses salts have the property of lowering surface
tension, causing the fatty material to break up into smaller globules
(more surface area). In addition bile salts play an important role in
absorption. Bile is produced continuously by the liver, yet it enters
the small intestine only when food is present. It is prevented from
entering by a valve which is closed most of the time. Instead it passes
into the gall bladder, a small storage sac attached to the liver. Here
it is concentrated by removing water, and held until food enters the
small intestine. The valve is then stimulated to open, and bile flows
down the bile duct into the intestine and mixes with the food. While the
bile is in the gall bladder,some organic substances, including
cholesterol, may settle out and form solid gall stones. These may block
the bile duct and cause problems or hurt while traveling through the
bile duct. 
 The pancreas secretes powerful *pancreatic juice*, which contains many
important ingredients. To begin with,pancreatic juice contains sodium
bicarbonate (NaHCO3),an anti-acid, which neutralizes the acid in the
food arriving from the stomach. Intestinal enzymes function best in an
alkaline medium. The reaction is about pH 8. Pancreatic juice also
contains a starch-digesting enzyme called *pancreatic amylase*. Like the
ptyalin of  saliva, it hydrolyzes starch (a polysaccharide) to much
smaller molecules of maltose (a disaccharide). A fat digesting enzyme
called pancreatic lipase is the principle enzyme for hydrolysis of fats
into glycerin and fatty acids. It functions best in the presence of bile
from the liver. Pancreatic juice contains protein digesting enzymes
called proteases. These are secreted in inactive forms and are activated
when entering the intestine. The inactive trypsinogen is activated to
trypsin by the enzyme enterokinase arriving with the intestinal juice.
All these protein digesting enzymes work together to break the bonds of
the amino acids by introducing water molecules at the bonds. Each enzyme
breaks the peptide chain at some special point. Finally there are
enzymes that attack the complex molecules of DNA and RNA and digest them
to smaller molecules. Keep in mind that the building up of tissues
(growing) from molecules is accomplished by removing water and creating
bonds and the breaking down (digestion) is by adding water to break
bonds. That is the cycle of life, build up and break down. Dehydrate
(make solids) and hydrate (make liquid). The body requires a lot of
water to function properly. In a survival situation don`t eat if you
don`t have water to go with it. Eating will cause the body to tie up its
water in the digestion process and you will die of dehyration. By not
eating, the body water remains available to the body. Fasting is a good
methode of cleaning out the body. It is done by not eating solids and
drinking a lot of fluids, the fluids should contain nutrients,broth is
good with water. Fasting has been practiced for as long as mankind has
been around. Some philosophies require fasting of their followers.
Fasting does not mean to *starve*, it means to *clean the body*.
  It may take seven or eight hours for food to pass through the small
intestine, but by the time it passes digestion will be as complete as it
is going to be. With chemical digestion more or less completed there is
a division. The useful parts (nutrients) must be absorbed into the body
via the lymhp or interstitial fluid to the blood  and the useless part
(waste) will continue on to the large intestine. We understand of course
that absorption is going on all the time the food is passing along the
small intestine.

  Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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