Mystery Gene in Soybeans Heats GMO Debate 
            August 16, 2001 05:26 PM ET
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      By K.T. Arasu 

      CHICAGO (Reuters) - Fresh controversy erupted on Thursday after 
scientists discovered unidentified fragments of DNA in gene-altered soybeans, 
jolting grain markets and heating up a simmering debate about genetically 
modified organisms (GMOs). 

      Biotechnology critics quickly said the latest discovery casts fresh 
doubts on such foods' safety, while backers of GMO crops just as quickly said 
that reaction was overblown and the news would hardly dent consumer confidence. 

      A team of Belgian scientists found alien gene fragments in soybeans grown 
from seed developed by biotechnology giant Monsanto Co. which are spliced with 
a bacterium to make them resistant to the company's Roundup Ready herbicide. 

      The discovery comes nearly a year after an unapproved gene-altered corn 
entered the U.S. food chain, sparking recalls of items such as taco shells from 
grocery shelves and causing a slump in exports of American corn to its top 
buyer, Japan. 

      Marc De Loose from Belgium's Center for Agricultural Research said he and 
his colleagues found that the unidentified gene fragments in Roundup Ready 
soybeans had no link to the plant's DNA sequence or the genome of the soybeans. 

      But he added there was no evidence to suggest that the alien fragments 
could lead to any unknown effects, such as possible allergic reactions in 

      "There is no scientific data to support this idea because we checked this 
sequence in different generations that were on the market and we didn't see any 
differences. This means that the sequence is stable and all the data concerning 
safety are still valid in my opinion," De Loose told Reuters. 


      Environmental group Greenpeace said the discovery showed that Monsanto 
did not know "with any certainty what it is creating through genetic 

      "Like Dr. Frankenstein, Monsanto has created a new life form but doesn't 
know what will happen when it's turned loose in the world," Kimberly Wilson, a 
Greenpeace genetic engineering campaigner, said in a statement. 

      She called for full disclosure of the data submitted by Monsanto in its 
registration process for Roundup Ready soybeans. 

      A spokeswoman for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, commenting on 
the Belgian group's research, said the agency was "aware of it and is looking 
into it." 

      Officials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture declined to comment. 

      Monsanto spokesman Bryan Hurley said: "This isn't a (food) safety issue. 
The information about the soybeans were characterized by Monsanto more than a 
year ago and we have shared that with regulatory authorities throughout the 

      He said the unidentified gene fragments could be the result of DNA being 
"rearranged" as a result of the process when the bacterium to make the plants 
resistant to Roundup Ready soybeans was inserted. 

      "It's been there since the point of the original transformation 10 years 
ago and throughout all of the safety tests," he said, adding that new 
high-precision equipment allowed the company to detect the alien fragments. 

      "We are better able to see the stars than a hundred years ago. It doesn't 
mean the stars have changed, just your perspective.... It's the same 
principle," Hurley said. 


      Hurley said he did not foresee any loss of consumer confidence in foods 
produced from gene-altered crops. 

      "As we characterize things better, it doesn't change the fundamental 
safety questions that are addressed and have for a long time been established," 
he said. 

      The Washington-based Biotechnology Industry Organization, which groups 
biotech companies in the pharmaceutical, industrial, environmental and 
agricultural sectors, said the discovery did not raise any question over food 

      "DNA is in all food, it's always been there and is safe. I cannot see 
that it (discovery) raises any safety questions," BIO spokeswoman Lisa Dry 

      Chairman of the American Soybean Association, Tony Anderson, said:"Unless 
there is something definitive, to me, that there is a problem, I am still of 
the belief that we have a product that is safe and allows us to be more 
efficient with our farming practices. We believe in good sound science. 

      "And if the day should come that good sound science says we need to 
rethink this, then we will rethink it. But if the good sound science tells us 
over and over we got a product that is safe, let's stay with it," he added. 

      The discovery took its toll on soybean prices at the Chicago Board of 
Trade on Thursday, with speculators selling amid fears that the news might dent 
U.S. soy exports to buyers like Japan or China. Down almost 20 cents at one 
point, soybeans for November delivery were 13-1/4 cents per bushel lower at 
$4.99-3/4 at the close of trading. 

      Almost 70 percent of the soybeans produced in the United States are 
genetically modified, nearly all of them Roundup Ready soybeans. Soybeans are 
used in a wide variety of food products but mainly as animal feed. 

      Roundup Ready soybeans are also grown on a large scale in Argentina, the 
world's third-largest soybean producer after the United States and Brazil. 
Europe and Japan allow the import of Roundup Ready soybeans for use as food and 
animal feed but do not permit their commercial cultivation. 




