Hi Marshall,

Interesting point, you made a request to the EPA for Aspartame use as an ant 
poison. (Rat Poison may have been more appropriate) The EPA might possibly have 
considered Aspartame as a Ant Poison had you submitted the requisite science 
(proving that it was an insecticide) and an environmental study showing that it 
wasn't a threat (it breaks down into to naturally occurring amino acids found 
in the environment.) 

Do you have any positive experience with Aspartame and killing Ants?

Some observations:

Aspartame (a laboratory union of Aspartic Acid and Phenylalanine) is an FDA 
approved food additive, an artificial sweetener. It is considered safe and 
effective.  Silver is barely tolerated under the DSHEA as a mineral supplement 
and is neither considered safe and effective.

Aspartame is metabolized into its component parts of Aspartic Acid, 
Phenylalanine after ingestion, and may generate methanol (eventually 
formaldehyde) by hydrolysis under certain conditions during storage. However,a 
glass of orange juice contains a magnitude greater quantity of methanol by 

Silver remains silver after leaving the body

Neither Aspartic Acid nor Phenylalanine are considered threats to the 

Silver is now considered a potential threat to the environment

Monsanto owns Aspartame and could easily fight off any challenge, which is 
unlikely. The CS retailers, wholesales, manufacturers, etc do not have the 

(Monsanto purchased G. D. Searle the company that invented Aspartame. G. D. 
Searle was the descendant company of the drug company founded by Dr A.B. 
Searle, MD who wrote a book, The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease in 1919, 
which includes using Colloidal Silver against a number of diseases, citing peer 
review medical journals.)

It does not matter as to the form of Colloidal Silver (metal particle, ionic, 
silver protein, etc) as all forms have been listed in a 200+ product list 
submitted as part of the petition by CTA. Nano Silver Particles from EIS is 
quite possible (Sovereign Silver fits this description and is on the list). The 
petition concerns Nano Technology Silver.

Aspartame does not have have a coalition of Environmental Groups etc 
petitioning the EPA to follow its own regulations on the subject of enforcement.

However, Aspartame info (which is far from safe):

After discovery in 1965, Aspartame had a long road to approval, interestingly 
enough because of health safety issues. 

Following safety testing, a debate as to whether these tests had indicated that 
aspartame may cause cancer in rats. The FDA, which at that time was showing 
some independence from big Pharma, unlike it is now, investigated Searle and 
published a scathing, 76 page report uncovering the discrepancies, 
inconsistencies, and evidence of fabrication of records in Searle's lab work. 
They also performed their own autopsies on the remaining corpses of the rats 
and found a large number of pathological conditions which were caused by the 
aspartame but not reported by Searle in their analysis of the results. This is 
known as the Bressler report. The Bressler Report compared all the available 
raw data and summary data against the manufacturer's FDA submission and found 
missing raw data, errors and discrepancies in available data, but later the FDA 
would chose to ignore Bressler's report.  

In essence the Bressler report dealt with Searle's shoddy job of covering up 
the evidence. Lab rats turned up with brain tumors, atrophied testicles, and 
other conditions and anomalies, and many of them began dying unexpectedly.This 
report was subsequently buried and only recently obtained under the FOIA.

The U.S. FDA did not approve Aspartame's use as a food additive in the United 
States at that time. 

In 1980, the FDA convened a Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) consisting of 
independent advisers to reexamine Aspartame's risks. The PBOI concluded that 
aspartame does not cause brain damage. The PBOI recommended against approving 
aspartame citing unanswered questions about cancer in laboratory rats. At that 
point in time, there was no requirement in place in FDA regulations to include 
brain research in the approval process, only cancer research.

Searle's Chief Operating Officer, Donald Rumsfeld, reapplied for FDA 
certification immediately after U.S. President Ronald Reagan took office. FDA 
Commisioner, Jere E. Goyan, was removed from his post on the first day of 
Ronald Reagan's presidency (1981). 

Goyan had refused to approve the use of aspartame due to studies documenting 
increase of cancers in rats. 

President Ronald Reagan appointed Arthur Hull Hayes, MD as FDA Commissioner in 
April 1981. In the same year Hayes approved aspartame as a food additive 
against an FDA Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) recommendation citing data from a 
Japanese study that had not been available to the members of the PBOI, Hayes 
approved aspartame for use in dry goods.(It is notable however that Hayes had 
available results from a new Japanese study which the PBOI chairman later 
claimed would have reversed his recommendation) 

In 1983 FDA further approved aspartame for use in the lucrative diet carbonated 
beverage market.

In November 1983 Hayes quit and joined Searle's public-relations firm 
Burson-Marsteller as senior medical advisor. (Can we say "Revolving Door 
Policy" ???)

Monsanto purchased Searle in 1985. Subsequently, the FDA approved Aspartame for 
use in other beverages, baked goods, and confections in 1993. In 1996, the FDA 
removed all restrictions from aspartame allowing it to be used in all foods.

Maybe if the CS sellers could enlist the help of Donald Rumsfeld there might be 
a chance. (Tongue in Cheek)

Best Regards,

Steve Foss

I don't think this is anything new.  I contacted the EPA some time ago
about selling aspartame as an ant poison and was told that it could not
be sold labeled that way since it was not proven safe.  But they still
allow tons of it to be used in products. Also EIS is typically 90%
ionic, which is not being addressed, so likely it would be nothing more
than a labeling issue.



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