I have forwarded some of the posts already, split into sections, but I 
suspect the sections may have been too long and got stuck in the workings of 
the website.
If they don't come through by tomorrow, I will resend in smaller sections.

Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 20:49:06 -0600
From: Brooks Bradley <brooks.brad...@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: CS>Hydrogen Peroxide warning

  I believe you may be mistaken as to the strength of the H202 you actually 
ingested.  The reason being that 36% H202 is such a severe tissue-burner 
that the immediate pain would have been unbearable. The symptoms of 
high-percentage H202 damage are quite similar to those of concentrated acid 
burns.  Even applied to the outer skin, H202 causes VERY uncomfortable/ 
continuing burning....with the oxidised tissue turning completely white---in 
a matter of seconds.  We are aware of only three cases where human beings 
ingested H202 as strong as 30%-----all were SEVERELY compromised, with one 
death.  Both of the survivors were saved, but handicapped for life by the 
severe epithelial scarring down to and including the duodenum in one case.
  If this person had, actually, ingested a large swallow of 36% H202 the 
pain would have been so severe ..almost instantly ..they would have required 
physical restraint and IMMEDIATE treatment.  At least this is the considered 
opinion of all staff members I have spoken to about this.
  I certainly hope 36% was a typographical error.  The only feasible 
explanation provided 36% H202 was actually involved .would be that it was an 
aged solution-----as H202 does, in fact, lose much of its potency over an 
extended period of months.
Shirley Reed wrote:

 List, my husband has been using a 70% dilution
of DMSO for arthritis and has been having good results. But his skin is 
beginning to flake heavily. Anyone know if this means he needs to dilute the 
DMSO more or if this will defeat the purpose?
Or maybe the solution is causing microbes in the skin to die off or 
something? Any ideas appreciated.
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 18:14:10 -0600
From: Brooks Bradley
We have been unable to determine the exact effect that CS has on the 
extensive soil-bacteria community .when applied as a direct, incorporated, 
component into the soil body. There are, simply, too many different floral 
and faunal) communities present in a viable soil for us to, easily, 
determine the type of effects and the degree of the effects ..upon this 
multitudinous population of diverse life forms.  At least, not without major 
attendant costs.
We have, however, conducted quite a number of evaluations involving the use 
of colloidal silver as a foliar spray ....with   splendid,   almost 
universal,   success.       ;   We   found   CS   to   be   a   most 
effective   control   for
Fire   Blight   (a   major   affliction   of   pear   trees).       ;   It 
was   the   only   protocol   excepting
streptomycin   and   streptomycin-like   compounds   which   furnished 
reliable   control.

I   would   be   hesitant   to   utilize   more   than   "trace"   amounts 
of   colloidal   silver
as   a   general   amendment   to   the   soil   ..especially   with   a 
view   toward
improving   the   general   fertility   profile-----absent   some 
"specific"   affliction
presentation   for   which   CS   might   offer   a   singular   control 

Our   general   response   to   CS   as   a   foliar   spray   for 
challenged   plants   ..was
a   totally   beneficial   one.

Sincerely,      Brooks   Bradley

>Excellent   description of   a   very   simple   c/s   generator.   I 
>applaud   you. I know   about   cut   flowers,   however,I   intend   to 
>plant   some   veggies   this   years   in   packaged   growth   boxes. 
>My soil   is   in   poor   shape   and   I'm   too   old   and   decrepit 
>to   dig   a   garden   anyway. I   intend   to   add   about   3   or   4 
>ounces   c/s   to   the   water   supply   to   each   box. Will   this 
>have   any   effect   on   the   plants?  Thank   you

Subject:   Re:   CS>DMSO   thoughts   and   Eye   Thoughts
   Dear   Charles,
    There   are   several   dictionary/encyclopedic   volumes   available on 
the   open   market   which   provide   the   molecular    weights   of 
all   of   the   known antibiotics.    They   are,   generally,   on   the 
costly   side. Such   information   may,   also,   be   obtained   through 
a   search   on   the "characteristics"   of   a   specific   antibiotic. 
Unfortunately,   there   is   no   easy way   to   group   the   antibiotics 
for   an   all-inclusive   reference   (if   you   are interested   in 
applying   this   knowledge   to   a   protocol   involving   DMSO   as   a 
transporter)   that   would   apply   to   them   as   a   class.    For 
example:    penicillin   has a   molecular   weigth   of   981.2....just 
barely   qualifying   as   a   candidate   for   DMSO transport; 
vancomycin   is   1449.2;    streptomycin   is   581.6.    This   brief 
example serves   to   show   that   the   frequently-used   antibiotics 
are   scattered   on   both   sides   of   the   1000   upper   limit   of 
dependable   DMSO   transport   capabilities.
  I   apologize   for   not   having   the   time   to   supply   you   with 
more definitive   information   to   your   inquiry.
Sincerely,    Brooks   Bradley.

Charles   Sutton   wrote:
   Does   anyone   know   the   molecular   weight   of   the   anti-biotics 
that   DMSO   carries   into   the   blood   stream??
:   Re:   CS>DMSO   thoughts   and   Eye   Thoughts   Henry   Holland 
Simms   wrote:   DMSO   will   'carry   'anything'   into   the   body   and 
is   almost   as   effective   as   IV.
The   above   misconception   crops   up   fairly   often   so   I   will 
once   again post   information   from   Dr.   Stanley   Jacob,   inventor 
of   MSM   and   long   time   user   of   DMSO.  "You   see,   DMSO   will 
not   carry   anything   with   a   molecular   weight  of   over   1000. 
Now,   the   molecular   weight   of   a   virus   is   one   million.
A   bacteria   has   a   molecular   weight   in   the   millions.    It 
won't   carry   a   virus   or   a   bacterium." You   can   read   a 
transcript   of   the   interview   in   which   Dr.   Jacob    made   this 
statement   at: 

Michael Mon   Apr   07   20:45:00   2003

Dear   Mr.   Nave,
Some   time   in   the   past,   we   made   an   interesting 
determination   among   a   group of   volunteers   .persons   suffering 
from   a   similar   presentation   as   you state. Our   investigations 
substantiated,   generally,   the   contentions of   Dr.   F. Batmanghelidj 
....to   wit:       ;   for   every   8   ounce   cup of   coffee,   the 
body   requires   32   ounces   of   plain   water.       ;   Our 
volunteer population   almost   to   a   person....were   able   to   resume 
drinking   coffee without   the   "previously   attendant"   arthritic 
complications-----whenever they   "scrupulously"   abided   by   the 
aforementioned   requirement.       ;   General fluids   such   as   fruit 
juice,   milk,   etc.,   do   not   qualify   as   hydrators----in this 
case   ONLY   water   does.
Sincerely,       ;   Brooks   Bradley.
<p>Dan   Nave   wrote:
<I   had   to   stop   drinking   coffee   as   I   found   that it   caused 
aching   joint   pain   especially   in   my   hands   and   lower   back 
across the   back   esp   at   the   top   edge   of   the   hip   bone. 
;       ;   I   had   to   stay off   of   it   completely   for   about   3 
weeks   before   I   could   notice   the   difference.       ; Then 
drinking   a   strong   coffee   or   two   caused   major   pain   the 
next   day.
>Believe   it   or   not,   there's   actually   a   coffee   specifically 
>blended   and
>roasted   for   enemas:
I   have   some   that   I   am   going   to   use   soon   the   way   it 
smells   (stinks)
ya   can   hardly   believe   it's   coffee!
  Have   you   used   it?

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