Dear Bob,
Very sorry to hear of your daughter in laws diagnosis. PolyMVA and
Clodronate may offer the best chance of remission without mastectomy.
PolyMVA restores proper cell function, clodronate helps prevent bone loss
and metastases which is a problem with breast cancer sufferers.

Below are some of the e-mails I received after inquiring about PolyMVA...I
suggest you or your daughter in law contact Gary Matson for further

Kind Regards


Dear New Friends,
    I wish I could write each of you an individual e-mail but time does not
allow. I have received so many inquiries by phone, e-mail and our Health
Shows that I hope you will not be offended by this group response to all of
    I genuinely appreciate your contacting us and I trust that the phone
information and the information that I am about to e-mail will be helpful.
Many of you also requested the scientific information packets to be mailed
to you. Those are being prepared for shipment as I write you. Please keep in
touch with me by e-mail or phone me with any questions or ways in which I
can be of assistance.
    To those of you are taking Poly-MVA or those of you who decide to start
I would appreciate you keeping me appraised of its effectiveness. Please
check our website often as we update with new
testimonies on various cancers and degenerative diseases as well as the
condition of our present survivors. Our new scientific site address is: Features are being added in the next few weeks such as
making it available in Spanish. Please note this is a new address as we
changed webservers.
    Thank you again for your interest. Our toll free number is
1-800-960-6760. If you need to reach me evenings or week-ends for an urgent
need my number is 1-858-547-8020.
Best Regards,
Gary L. Matson, Sr., Consultant
Poly-MVA and AMARC

Dear Friend,

We wanted to bring to your attention the effectiveness of the
cancer-reversing product:  Poly-MVA -a natural chemotherapy-which has been
developed by Dr. Merrill Garnett in his laboratory at New York State
University at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York. Here is the scientific
website that explains how it works.
WWW.POLYMVA.NET . There is a video on this website that features a interview
with Dr. Garnett.

Poly-MVA is composed of Vitamin B-1, Vitamin B-12, Lipoic Acid and
Palladium. The MVA stands for minerals, vitamins and amino acids. When
lipoic acid,  a powerful anti-oxidant with many biological functions, is
connected to an electrically charged metal substrate, palladium, and joined
with various B vitamins, the resulting complex becomes totally soluble in
both water and fat. It can easily and safely travel throughout the body into
every cell, crossing the blood-brain barrier as well. Therefore, performing
that journey across the blood-brain barrier which is impossible for most
drugs, including chemotherapy, makes Poly-MVA excellent in cases where no
other remedies are possible.

Poly-MVA has been shown to be beneficial in cases of  breast, prostate,
colon, lung, stomach, bladder and brain cancer. It has also been used
successfully in cases of psoriasis-a disease which often develops into
cancer. We also have survivors from lymphoma, non-hodgkin's lymphoma (stage
4), multiple myeloma carcinoma, alzheimers disease and multiple scherosis.
It is now being tried on many other types of cancer and degenerative
diseases. As results are known these will be posted on our Survivors Website

Poly-MVA is considered a unique new orthomolecular molecule, bearing these

- Acting as a Nucleotide reductase,
- Acting as a powerful antioxidant
- Intracellular electron donor
- Generating water within the cell
- Synergistic action with vitamins and minerals
- Protecting cellular DNA.
- Totally nontoxic.

If you would like to further check this out, contact AMARC  - (Advanced
Medicine and Research Center) - the company that has the distribution rights
for Poly-MVA. The telephone number is: 619-656-1980. You can also request a
packet of scientific data at no charge. Presently, Poly-MVA is legally sold
as a food supplement for humanitarian purposes and can only be sold as a
drug in the United States when it passes through the FDA approval trials. At
that time, we hope it will be approved for insurance credit as well.

We invite you to check out the website: which
contains amazing stories of those who have found help by using Poly-MVA who
have several types of cancer and other diseases.AMARC would be pleased to
provide any further information. I can be personally contacted by phone at
619-656-1980 or e-mailed at:

Gary Matson, Consultant
Poly-MVA and AMARC

Our Article that we mail out on Clodronate on the Web!

New England Journal Of Medicine on Breast Cancer and Clodronate

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