For some reason this following post is not showing up on the forum;  Im deleting various parts to see where the offense may lie

I dont care about our gut feelings regarding silver toxicity as much as I care about the actual numbers.  Is it at all scientific to say silver is not toxic to fish?   Give me the numbers, the studies, not gut feeling.

*"Acute*toxicity values for both*freshwater*macroinvertebrates and fish ranged from 0.9 µg/L to 29 µg/L"  Extracted from Section 8.3.7 ‘Detailed descriptions of chemicals’ of the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines.

Thats the LC50,  the concentration of silver in the water that kills half the fish. Its not because you killed the microbes, it harms the embryos, gills and so on.

Was the overview study the same as putting people in unrealistically smoky environments and declaring it harmful?   No, those were occupational levels, and the conclusion was not just "silver is toxic",  they covered non toxic observations, and gave levels.   So if you were to inhale silver, you could try a calculation and see if you were close to that 50 micrograms per cubic meter level where damage was seen under the microscope and clinical symptoms.   They gave a pretty good suggestion that we can clear it out in a few months, so we might assume we can get away with it to fight a lung infection for a period of days, then take a break.

Do you think chronic inhalation of silver is non toxic and will do no harm?

I have been on this forum for a long time, maybe 12 years or more? When did it start?   Ive noticed that people have an emotional feeling about silver toxicity, but never bother to look at studies and actual numbers. They scoff at any suggestion that silver can have a toxic component to humans.    This, in my humble opinion, is a similar mentality to the people who have an emotional feeling about how bad covid is. They shut down any conversation if I tell them covid just isnt that deadly for healthy people.

Their emotion shuts down dialogue and throws out data.  Why be that way?

