Hello Marshall,

You said you'd like to try it if you knew where to find it.  I wrote a
health food store in Columbus, Ohio and ask them a couple of questions. 
Below is there response along with pricing and contact info.


Dear Maurice:

Of course it is food grade diatomaceous earth. I truly don't know if it
would interfere with your lung condition, however, since DIA-MIN doesn't
work in a chemical way, but in a mechanical way by shredding intestinal
parasite, it really should not cause any problems.

Please call us at 1-800-628-8420 to order the product. A one month supply
of DIA-MIN is $17.50.


Hsu Wholistic Health Systems, Inc.

n8...@juno.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I wanted to inquire about purchasing Diatamatious Earth.  I purchased
> some from you about 4 years ago...but have since moved to another
> South Carolina.
> I wanted to know if there are any conditions where I should NOT take
> I have a lung condition called Sarcoidosis.  I want to use it to rid
> myself of intestinal parasites.  It worked the late time I used it. 
> someone told me they thought this product was toxic. But I think you
> carried a Food Grade Diatamatious Earth.
> Please let me know and include ordering and pricing information.
> Thanks,
> Maurice
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