From: Will & Kristin <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2001 7:41 AM
Subject: CS>cs for warts?

I've read that cs will get rid of warts. Can anyone tell me exactly how to use 
it for this? Should I soak a bandaid in cs and wrap the wart? Do I just need to 
let it soak in, and if so for how long? Also, how long should it take to get 
rid of a wart?

How long? Depends on the afflicted's physiology, size of wart, frequency of CS 
application ie infinite variables.

But here's my experience:

Our old dog, Ferkle, has numerous disfiguring warts on her muzzle. As they 
somewhat resemble 
ticks, well meaning visitors without their specs on, have to be dissuaded from 
attempting to pull them off!

For 4 or 5 evenings running I merely held CS soaked cotton wool against them 
for as long as she allowed and then they just fell off. Unfortunately the hair 
in the scar area  hasn't regrown (too old) but she looks a lot more presentable 

Of course a CS soaked bandaid left on overnight would work more quickly but 
dogs aren't too keen on that method.  

Good luck
