herz a follow-up from Dominie

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Dominie Bush" <d...@fms-help.com>
To: David Osborne <ide...@juno.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 09:38:39 -0500
Subject: Update on the FMS newsletter and website crisis
Message-ID: <aaa96egdrakqc...@mx02.lax.untd.com>

Dear Newsletter Readers,

I received an enormous amount of feedback since the "Death of the
Newsletter and Website" email went out a few days ago.  I am over the
initial shock now and looking for ways to keep things going.  Thank you
for all of your expressions of appreciation (they warmed my heart
tremendously!) your suggestions, and above all, your prayers.  

Below are some ideas that were sent in:

1.  Get a fibro doctor to be associated with the website and newsletter. 
This way, there is more freedom in what can be said.  I noticed from some
of the doctors' sites about fibro on the net, that you can say just about
anything you want to if you're a doctor.  I agree with some of what they
say, but not all....but I am not a doctor....just have 21 years
experience with the illness and have devoted countless hours to many
thousands of FMS/CFIDS sufferers over the past 7 years.

2.  Many readers have written their Congressmen about Sen. Richard
Durbin's proposed bill to get rid of nutritional supplements.

3.  I pulled down half of the site http://www.fms-help.com two nights
ago.  Sorry if you were still surfing and pages started disappearing. 
Some readers said they copied everything on the site and it took about a
ream of paper!  I didn't realize I had been such a prolific writer.

4.  I added disclaimers ("I AM NOT A DOCTOR, etc.") at the top of each
page that I left on my site.

5.  I took off references to specific products and tried to speak in
vague generalities.

6.  One person suggested I put the first name and last initial of people
who write me emails which are quoted in my newsletter.  In the past, I
have not identified writers, unless they asked me to, in order to protect
their privacy.  However, by using at least first names and last initials,
this would make their words come from them and not from me....I am just
reporting them.  (That idea might work unless they have an unusual name
like mine--I don't think there is another "Dominie B." anywhere.  Many
people these days have really unusual names, so they might feel a loss of
privacy if they are quoted.)

7.  Some suggested that I use the word "I" a lot in the site, so that it
doesn't look like I'm giving advice but just talking about myself.
However, my "100 Tips for Coping" is advice because of the word "Tips"
(which means, let me tell you something that you need to know...)

8.  Even my website address "fms-help.com" sounds non-compliant, so one
reader said I should put "fms-help!" with an exclamation point on each
page--which sounds less like I'm giving advice.

9.  Some wanted the name of the attorney who contacted me, but right now
there's so much stirred up about this subject that I want to keep this
person's name anonymous.  In some ways I am glad the attorney contacted
me, because I needed to know that my site was not compliant.  I am aware
of what has happened to those who were not---such as when Seasilver was
shut down in June of this year.  (Hard to believe, but true--750
employees were ordered out of the building by 30 armed people. Seasilver
had gotten into trouble with the FTC because testimonials from customers
were used in advertising and also because of wording on their labels. 
Fortunately, they are back in business again and I applaud them!)

10.  Some thought I should start an FMS chat line or forum, where
subjects could be discussed freely.  I would love to, but truly have no

11.  Some thought I should market the newsletter by paid subscription.

12.  Some thought I should make an e-book out of all the newsletters and
sell it along with monthly updates.

13.  Others thought I should write a book from the material in the site
and sell it.

14.  Several suggested that I operate the site out of another country
that doesn't have the legal problems that we have right now in the U.S.
in this field.

15.  Some felt that God may be taking my life in a different direction
now and perhaps I should focus on eternal matters rather than just
physical health.  Our earthly bodies can cause so much trouble here for
us, but there is an eternal life we all will have in either one
destination or the other, and the message of the gospel really supercedes
any other effort we might try to make in helping our fellow man.

16.  The December newsletter was almost ready to be sent out, but there
will have to be a lot of revisions first to make it more compliant.  If
it is never sent, or if the revisions take a long time and you start
having the holiday blues this season, please visit my "Christmas Blues"
link at http://www.fms-help.com/Christmas.htm 

17.  Although I earn a small amount of money from a few products
mentioned in the newsletters (consider them "commercials"), there were
hundreds of other products that I gave "free advertising" to over the
past 7 years because they helped various aspects of FMS/CFIDS. 
Unfortunately, I can't write a newsletter and do unlimited fibromyalgia
support for free.  I am a piano teacher and my husband is a pest control
technician, so I am not financially able to do strictly volunteer
activity for the FMS community, much as I'd like to.  My chronic illness
since 1982 ruined me financially and I need income to survive now at age

18.  We live in a ridiculously litigious and dangerous society.  I find I
must protect myself from lawsuits, etc.  It's sad that we no longer have
the mentality of giving friendly advice "over the backyard fence" as one
reader put it.  Here's a modern-day version of the "Good Samaritan" story
that I was thinking of recently:  The Good Samaritan comes upon a man
faking an injury on the side of the road.  He stops to help and is robbed
and shot.  (That's a crummy ending but it's how I feel about this
upcoming "sting operation" of health websites by the FTC in January, as
mentioned by the attorney.)

19.  Some readers put my "Death of the Newsletter" email in posting
groups on the net and others wrote to Larry Wilcox, the actor from CHIPS
who is offering to be our spokesman for fibro---see Larry's info at

20.  One person commented on the "homespun" appearance of my site and
thought spiffing it up to look more professional would help and also
adding some doctors to oversee the information or write contributing

21.  Many said that it's a shame pornographers get away with all they do
in the name of "free speech," but that my site for fibro sufferers is not

22.  All this site revision is something I may not have time to do.  I
hope to get some of the parts that I pulled down back up there in a more
compliant form, I just don't know when.

How can I ever thank all those who wrote or called in response to this
crisis!?  You are a blessing!!!  Many of you are incredibly eloquent with
your words!

I pray this problem will all be resolved in a manner that pleases God. 
There are many wonderful fibro sites now where you can get TONS of good
information.  However, in 1996 mine was one of only half a dozen or so on
the net about fibromyalgia!  I really felt I had a mission back then.  

Well, may God bless you and give you a happy Thanksgiving.  Truly God is
good to all and His blessings are everywhere.  I thank God for all of my
blessings, including you, my loyal readers.  We don't know what the
future holds, but we know WHO holds the future!  That is a great comfort!

"Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith,"

Dominie Bush