My Friends!
In my humble approach of help-where-help-can-be-given I meet a lot of people 
with "gastritis".
Now I am conscious of the rise of "stress" almost a half century ago; all at 
once everybody had "stress" and hardly everybody (?!?) knew what it really was, 
but it sounded good, and rendered some direly needed attention.
Clients with 'gastritis' may have that same approach towards anyone in the 
medical field, albeit a dangerous approach.
The clients we encounter often have stomach-problems, and most of the time we 
ask if they did a pylorus-bacter test. Many have, some have not.
Two questions I meant to ask:
 *   Is C.S. a good agent against 'gastritis'? 
 ** Can C.S. do away with this stubborn pylorus-bacter anemule (which in time 
can cause problems as severely as cancer).
Much obliged,
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