It is really rather simple. First I recommend using a 15 KV transformer, the loaded voltage is 2/3 the open voltage, and the best loaded voltage is 10 KV. Then put a meter in series with the output of the transformer to monitor current and a meter across the transformer to monitor voltage. I used some cheap Radio Shack 1 mA meters, and put a full wave bride around them, then shunted the current meter with the appropriate resistance to calibrate in mA, and put 7 1 meg resistors in series with the voltage meter on one side, and 8 1 meg resistores on the other side, to calibrate this meter in voltage.
Then run the voltage to your silver electrodes using anode wire for a TV set or monitor. Mount the electrodes so that they are either slightly above the water if you are wanting to use the method CSPro uses, or put them inside glass tubes with about 1/8" exposed and submerge if you are wanting to run submerged. Be very careful with this, these things can shock the heck out of you, I have gotten bit several times with mine. Marshall Julius Kabrun wrote: > Greetings to all, From reading I get the impression that a HV neon > transformer ( 10/12k V 25ma ) would produce the smallest Silver > particle size etc. I have searched & cannot find plans to make such > a generator. Could someone be so kind as to email me plans & > instructions to Thanking you in > anticipation,Julius Kabrun.