Dose: 1 teaspoon of the leaves or flowers to 1 cupful of boiling
water. Of the tincture, 15-40 drops in warm water every 2-4 hours,
according to condition.

  Externally: A very early German remedy for deafness resulting from
(caused by) dried earwax, wax to soft, or insufficient wax: mullein oil,
sun distilled from green mullein flowers (not opened yet), 3 to 5 drops
twice a day until the condition is corrected.
  A fomentation of the leaves in hot vingar and water forms an excellent
local application for inflamed piles, malignant sore throat, dropsy of
the joints, sciatica, spinal tenderness, etc. A mixture of simmered
leaves can also be inhaled through a teapot spout for many of the
mentioned conditions.

  Homeopathic Clinical: Tincture of fresh plant gathered at the
commencement of flowering for anus (itchinf of), colic, constipation,
cough, deafness, enuresis, hemorrhoids, neuralgia, brosopalgia, urine
(incontinence of).

  Russian Experience: Mullein, or *koroviak visoky*, is common in all
parts of Russia. This herb is seldom mentioned in ancient books but was
a common medicine in the Middle ages. 
  Folk medicine: Leaves and flowers are used as astringent,
demulcent,expectorant, and tonic in the form of teas, extracts, as
*nastoika* (with vodka) either straight or in combinations. The uses are
many, as most natural treatments improve or assist the body as a
complete unit rather than treating only specialized, isolated areas.
Mullein is thought of first for pulmonary conditions, colds, shortness
of breath, asthma, thur improving heart conditions, nervous disorders,
kidney and bladder; female and venereal diseases with or without
associated bleeding; epilepsy and headache in children (Atlas, Moscow,
1962). Externally: The leaves and flowers simmered and used as a wash
for old wounds, broken skin, and to kill skin epidermis worms (Vishaya
Shkolla, Moscow, 1963). Fresh leaves bruised and applied to boils and
carbuncles. Veternary: For tapeworms of cows and horses the fresh leaves
are given internally.

  In the Native American Sacred Pipe Ceremonies, the pipe carrier would
pick the herbs, in a certain specific sacred manner and prepare the
herbs as a smoke mixture. Prayers of thanks would be offered to the
plants who give themselves up to be smoked. Tobacco (nicotiana), mullein
(verbascum) Uva ursi (arctostaphylos), sage (artemisia), raspberry
(rubus), red willow (salix) and sometimes other herbs would be used.
  The Sacred Pipe Ceremony was very elaborate and took several hours.

  New Age (natural) folks information.
  Gender: Feminine
  Plant: Saturn
  Element: Fire
  Diety: Jupiter
  Powers: Courage, Protection, Health, Love Divination, Exorcism
  Magical uses:
  Mullein is worn to keep wild animals from you while hiking in untamed
areas. It instills courage in the bearer, and a few leaves placed in the
shoe keeps one from catching a cold. Mullein is also carried to obtain
love from the opposite sex.
  Stuffed into a small pillow or placed beneath your pillow, mullein
guards against nightmares.
  In India, mullein is regarded as the most potent safeguard against
evil spirits and magic, and is hung over doors, in windows, and carried
in sachets. It is also used to banish demons and negativity.
  In the Ozarks, men performed a simple love divination. The man went to
a clearing where a mullein grew and bent it down so that it pointed
toward his love`s house. If she loved him the mullein would grow upright
again; if she loved another it would die.
  Graveyard dust- an infrequent ingredient in spells- can be substituted
by powered mullein leaves.
  At one time Witches and magicians used oil lamps to illminate their
spells and rites, and the downy leaves and stems of the mullein often
provided the wicks.


   Bless you   Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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