Re: CS>On the Possibility of Leaching Mercury and Silver from Dental Filling

2000-10-19 Thread mfinney
Hello, Mercury or silver tatoos as my dentist called them can be removed by a good "biological " dentist. I do not know how they do this. I have a tatoo from before I had the metal taken out of my mouth but have not yet taken steps to get it out other than to learn who does that sort of thing

Re: CS>On the Possibility of Leaching Mercury and Silver from Dental Filling

2000-10-18 Thread Itssuzy2
How timely! In September I had 6 teeth, all with mercury amalgam fillings removed. One month later the mercury, that had leached into the roof of the mouth is still there and quite prominent. If I understand what you are saying, then it will be there for a very long time? Can I do anything t