Eugenics is not a four letter word.
We practice it in breeding animals etc..
Some practice eugenics when choosing a spouse..
Cross breeding can be a bad form,depending
if one is 'down breeding' a species,or in another
case is'up breeding' a species.
 The way it looks,down is winning....
,,oh well...

Conservatism is dead.
Liberalism has no answers.
What comes next?
The rise of ethnopolitics.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bob Banever 
  Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 3:46 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>A closer look at americium 241 from a smoke detector


        So true.  Eugenics is being practiced by the Illuminati/CFR/Trilateral 
Commission/Bliderberger's etc. on a grand scale.  Just ask a Rockefeller or 
better yet a Rothschild, or even a Bush.  Bill Gates of all people recently 
stated as much in a speech he gave to support research into vaccines (another 
tool of their eugenics program).   He's giving millions towards this effort.   
Perhaps it's time to dig up our pitchforks.  Be sure to keep some CS on hand!
