A man called me last week from Alberta. He had burned
his face, and it had become infected. He was in much
pain. He called a friend of his and asked if he had
any suggestions. His friend said, “I have just what
you need. Come on over.” When he got to his friend’s
house, his friend gave him some of my CS salve (CS,
eucerin, glycerin). He put it on right in the car. He
said the pain was gone in 2 hours. He put some on
again before bed, and the next morning, he could
SHAVE! He called me to thank me, and to order a pound
of it.
The friend who had given it to him was a fellow who
had struggled with a total-body rash, had tried all
kinds of drugs, creams, lotions, baths. When he used
the salve, his itching stopped in 10 minutes, and the
rash went away in one hour. 

An elderly lady called me to ask if I thought CS would
work with eczema. Her feet had eczema so bad, if she
walked on them, they would break open and bleed. She
used a cane just to go to the bathroom. I told her I
didn’t know for sure if it would work. She got some CS
from me, rubbed it on her feet 3Xday. In two days, she
was walking around freely (she threw her steroid cream
in the toilet). A week later, when she came into my
office, she pranced right in, kicked off her shoes,
stuck out a foot and said, “Just look at that!” It was
clear and pink. 

This stuff is marvelous!
Terry Wayne

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