I was an early signup and never received mine.

Steve Radcliff

> ** Original Subject: Re: CS>OT>>GENERIC CO-OP
> ** Original Sender: "G. T." <four_10_g...@hotmail.com>
> ** Original Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 05:04:10 +0000

> ** Original Message follows... 

> <html><DIV>
> <P><BR><BR></P></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <P>&nbsp;</P>
> <P>question:&nbsp; I signed up for the&nbsp;co-op beta-test and never 
> received my "test kit".&nbsp; Neiher did&nbsp;the 3 people I got to sign up 
> for it.&nbsp;The&nbsp;co-op sent&nbsp;a newsletter stating that some 
> people&nbsp;would inevitably fall between the cracks and not get theirs.  Did 
> anyone on this list sign up for the beta-test and receive their order?&nbsp; 
> Just wondering.&nbsp; GT</P>
> <P>&gt; Dear List </P>
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; l checked three of the products [apple for apple] price on 
> the CO-OP" 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;against PURITAN'S PRIDE 3 for1 sale prices. The co-op prices 
> are good 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;..... but not that good. 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; Examples..... 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; Coenzyme Q -10 ,[co-op 13.98,]...[.PP 14.98] 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; Salmon oil , [co-op 1.96]... [PP 2.97] 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; DHEA, [co-op 4.91 [PP 4.18] PP has a 3.00 S+H ..... co-op 
> 6.00 S+H 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; Now far be it for me to say there is one hell of a marketing 
> plan going 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;on with all the hype on the co-op which went from we trust you 
> to pay 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;later, to PAYPAL [or one other on line bank] ONLY. 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; I don't know about the co-op,but I get 5 bucks for everyone I 
> get to 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;use PayPay,and they claim to have many thousand customers. 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; Man I just love to see slick marketing... I have no problem 
> with making 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;money..... and it sure makes me wonder about such things as 
> Quality when 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;you hear all the other goody,goody sales pitch crap. PP is one 
> of many 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;labels used by the largest vit/etc mfgs ,don't remember there 
> name, in 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;the US, and in 30+ years I'm yet to get sick from any of the 
> 20 or so 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;products I use sold by them, plus they don't claim to be doing 
> me a 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;favor with their retail sale prices. 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; PS I have no financial interest in the Co.,but they are 
> listed on the 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;exchange 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;-- 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of 
> colloidal silver. 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt; 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail 
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> <DIV></DIV>&gt; 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;Silver-list archive: 
> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html 
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
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> <DIV></DIV><br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at <a 
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>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **
