Yuck! Dove? I can just imagine that leaving a very long-lasting aftertaste. The article I read (link is in the archives, I'm sure, it was posted originally by Brooks Bradley, IIRC), says to use a glycerin free, lotion free soap. A very plain soap in other words. I have a Sallye Ander Myrrh soap that works well, any aftertaste is very short lasting. Tom's of Maine soap worked well too, but left more aftertaste, and foamed more. Follow with a diluted peroxide rinse, then rinse and hold EIS for a couple minutes, and you will not only have very clean teeth, but no more tooth sensitivity.

Dennis Gulenchin wrote:

Hi Paul,
I'm curious as to what kind of soap you use to brush your teeth with?
I've tried Dove but I can taste soap in my mouth for hours after brushing. Just wondering if there is a certain brand that is better than any other? Here is some info I found on tooth soap - Dennis

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