My apologies for this convoluted transmission technique. I used wrong mail client for original and not enough time to transcribe the entire post.
Brooks Rradley.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : [Fwd: Memory Boosters]

Date : Thu, 12 Nov 2009 18:03:39 -0600

From : Brooks Bradley <>

To : Brooks Bradley <>

--- Begin Message --- Recently, we completed some limited, short-term evaluations of a number of "memory enhancing" substances...including some from the pharmaceutical community---but most from the natural plant community. At least eight of the plant candidates demonstrated sufficient value to recommend their utilization. However, two demonstrated to be far and away more effective than the least in our evaluations. Our primary concern was in areas of short-term recall and speed of recognition. The champion turned out to be bacopa monnieri......a herb which has been used in ancient Asiatic medical practice for several thousands of years. Using the extract of this plant ONLY , we were able to witness improvements of 40% in the test group over those in the control group. Our test, similar to the one conducted by an Australian group...yielded these results based on calendar time. e.g. Test group time required for baseline results===6 days. Control Group time required for baseline results====10 days. The next best protocol using a SINGLE component...demonstrated to be essential oil of the Rose flower. The Rose essential oil yielded an average 11% net increase in short-term memory gain. If you do not think that is a very significant increase....I suggest that during your next business presentation relating to the technical parameters of your profession.... that you consider the effect of 10 objective errors out of a population of 100 total references! Or even more distasteful......not even
remembering to include their subjects.
                                           Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s. When combined with several other brain-enhancing substances....such as Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphorylcholine (Alpha-GPC), Ginkgo Biloba and vinpocetine, we achieved over 70% improvement in memory and brain acuity. Others have reported even superior results to ours, sometimes using additional components however.

--- End Message ---