An LDN support group in Scotland is petitioning their Parliament to
investigate and fund trails for Low Dose Naltrexone. Anyone may
sign this petition, you do not have to be a resident.

If you can support this petition it would be much appreciated!!



Folks, there’s 521 signatures as of today for the Scottish Parliament petition. The deadline is 20^th November and if we could get another couple of hundred that would be great. The advantage to signing the SP petition is that anyone in the world can sign ie global petition. It’s only been up for 3 weeks and Bob Thomson’s MP recommended a one month only petition. As we all know, petitions are a way of raising a flag to put pressure on our local governments so can you please sign this,
wherever you are in the world, it only takes 2 minutes

You can also add discussion comments if you wish – very helpful indeed.
Everyone’s input and support is greatly appreciated.

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