Hello everyone!

Guess what!? It's time to retire the following topics:

The rights and priveleges of Lurkers!
Other complaints and personal tussles...

Please don't respond to these any further. Let the folks catching up on 
their e-mail have their say *without* further responses!

Thank you!

Now, let me apologize for not being here since yesterday morning to 
intervene sooner. I saw the UFO thread beginning, but had the obviously 
disappointed expectation that it wouldn't cause too much disruption 
before people would become self-conscious enough to let it drop.

Topics this far afield *should* only be raised on the OT list, and if 
they come up anyway, you should, each of you, refrain from propagating 
them *or* complaining on list. Further, directly criticizing other 
people's behavior is not part of your role as my guest. *I* get to be 
the list cop! <steely eyed glare!>

As for "normal" topics, yes, a great deal of latitude is permitted for 
health related questions and answers. I only ask that non-CS related 
discussion be handled more briefly, enough so as to satisfy basic 
curiosity and point out essential resources for continued study, before 
being ended or taken off-list.

I ask you to keep the discussion reasonably close to our allowed 
subjects out of courtesy to those who are here who are dealing with 
illness and may not have the time, energy, or will to cope with 
boundless chatter.

Now, please read the following specific responses to things people have 
said during this excursion:

Sandee! You sent that first UFO post to the main list, NOT the Off 
Topic List like you thought! Always double check the address you're 
sending to, people!

George: There *is* "another site for other things..." See the group 
website at www.silverlist.org and click on the Off Topic List link.

Obviously, it's not a perfect arrangement. <sigh>

Barbara: Lurkers are my guests, too. They most certainly are allowed to 
have opinions. 

If everyone would read the list rules, however, they would know that I 
expect comments about members' behavior or other problems be sent to me 
directly. In this case, I got only two such reports from long-time 
regulars to alert me to the situation, compared to however many on-line 
complaints that swelled the off-topic volume considerably.

Kirsteen! To solve the mystery, go to Wikipedia and search for... "time 
zones!"  <LOL!>

Tom: You write: "Mike D. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!" This kind of comment (There 
were many others than yours, of course!) are exactly the ones that 
ought to be sent to me privately, rather than further stir things up on 
the list. Of course, I sympathise with your distress! <smile>

Craig C.: Welcome back, mate! At least enough intelligence to operate a 
computer is required, I suppose?

Connie: You are exactly right. It is each of you policing *yourselves* 
(rather than each other) that I depend on to keep the group on point 
most of the time.

Finally, to those who find the UFO topic particularly absurd: Welcome 
to the Internet! I know that I would never have realized there were so 
many strange ideas out there if I hadn't met the people who hold them. 
So, catalog this under "stuff that people believe!"

But do keep in mind, please, that Colloidal Silver and other 
alternative health topics are just as absurd to many people in the 
mainstrream as UFO's are to some of you...

Frankly, I've met enough folks who claim to have encountered these 
things, and whom I've known long enough to trust their motives, that I 
just can't dismiss the topic as surely as I would have a decade ago.

Gosh knows, the more I've come to recognize the mass hallucination 
which passes for mainstream news coverage and the "official" view of 
events, the less confident I am that I know anything any more.

Thank you for your patience, folks. Let's let things get back to... 
umm, normal, please? <smile>

Be well!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>