To all interested list members.
                The many recent postings alluding to varying
circumstances/reactions to CS in the alimentary tract of humans has
prompted  me to relate some of our past findings.....which may bear upon
these comments.
                    Our researches have revealed that particle size
(within reasonable limits---- e.g.  1 to 15 microns max.) has VERY
little effect upon the efficacy of colloidal on silver pathogens in the
digestive tract.  The governing factor controlling the effectiveness of
CS within the digestive tract appears to be based upon the success of
bringing CS into a DIRECT environment with the target pathogens.
Interestingly, (and possibly, understandably) the larger-particled
solutions survived in higher particulate concentrations into the large
intestinal areas.
            Just a point of interest for your information.  It is VERY
DIFFICULT to generate large-particle colloidal silver using ANY of the
generally-utilized Low Voltage D.C. systems, plus high quality distilled
water (This we found to be true when we "purposely" employed
"Contaminated" electrodes such as Sterling Silver, high nickel content,
etc.).  Although the solutions were unfit for internal consumption, the
particle size of the suspended elements were, essentially, uniform in
size, and within  the generally accepted "envelope of safety".....for
our purposes.   We have found that if one employs high-quality (low ppm)
distilled water, most of the fears voiced by concerned
beginners......are of small consequence----in the matter of particle
size.  Without getting into a pointless diatribe on electrode
accumulations, debris fields, etc., suffice it should be  to say---as
long as there are no "runaway" current problems  (e.g. 15 m.a.and rising
), there seems to be small chance of generating a solution unfit for
human intake.   However, common sense must always hold sway.  We make no
recommendations to anyone, about anything. These comments are "our"
general consensus opinion---only;  but one based upon research-----not
                            I hope these comments are of value to some,
for use in their reflections on these matters.              Sincerely.
Brooks Bradley.

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