And more.

Terry Wayne

Metabolic Solutions Info report
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Japanese Leading the Charge for Silver-Based Hygienic

Call it a trend; call it an obsession. People all over
the world are becoming germ conscious. Partly because
of increased attention to communicable diseases such
as AIDS and influenza, the number of anti-bacterial
consumer products is exploding. Although most bacteria
found on objects are not life-threatening for healthy
people, they may be debilitating for those in
high-risk groups such as the elderly or those with
lowered immune systems.

In Japan, where cleanliness has been a cultural
foundation for centuries, consumers have more than 600
anti-bacterial products to choose from. They include
pens, floppy disks, calculators, ATM machines, cutting
boards, floor tiles, socks, shirts and toilet seats.
People can be seen walking around wearing surgical
masks, and it's not unusual for commuters to carry
anti-bacterial wet tissues and wipe their hands after
touching a public stair railing in the subway. This
phenomenon has not escaped notice by large companies.
Last summer, Toyota announced that three of its
popular models will sport anti-bacterial steering
wheels and door handles. Matsushita introduced an
anti-bacterial clothes dryer.

A report from Yamaichi Securities estimates annual
sales of anti-bacterial products in Japan alone are at
$4.4 billion and increasing. Many of these products
rely on silver for its anti-bacterial properties
without the side effects often found in traditional
anti-bacterial chemicals.

Any device with a keyboard makes hygiene-conscious
people wince, because so many dirty fingers can touch
the keys in a short time. With that in mind, Sharp
Corporation has been touting two new calculators whose
keys and cases contain silver and zinc which help
fight the spread of bacteria. The company says the
keys and case remain in their anti-bacterial state
even under damp conditions where some bacteria grow
rapidly. These calculators are being sold in Japan and
are intended for places where they are used by the
general public such as in stores with self-service
counters. It is also aimed at offices where many
people may share the same calculator.

Casio is also selling a similar product, but neither
company has plans yet to market the devices in the
United States.

A Japanese company, Shin-Etsu Polymer, began selling
its anti-bacterial food wrap last fall. The polyvinyl
chloride film inhibits the growth of different types
of bacteria that may become attached to the wrap. The
product owes its anti-bacterial action to silver.
Polyvinyl chloride is mixed with a silver-based
inorganic anti-bacterial agent. An independent study
showed that it was effective against the life
threatening E-Coli bacteria. Along with its
anti-bacterial power, this wrap keeps its transparent
appearance and its ability to cling to dishes like
regular foodwrap. It is microwave safe and can be put
in the freezer without destroying thc anti-bacterial

Two companies, Hai Denshi Kogyo and Venture Ishikawa,
worked together to develop an anti-bacterial sand that
uses silver. The company's proprietary process forces
tiny silver particles into natural sand. The silver
penetrates the sand particles so deeply that, the
company claims, the sand retains its anti-bacterial
nature two times longer than conventional
anti-bacterial sand. The company hopes to market the
sand for parks, but also for use in construction
materials such as cement. This would allow
construction of walls and floors that inhibit the
growth of bacteria.

A British firm, Microbial Systems International, Ltd.
in Nottingham, England, is developing a paint with a
combination of silver chloride and titanium oxide. The
paint was found to be active against a complete range
of microorganisms including yeasts, molds and various
bacteria. Although the company's product is still in
the developmental stage, the paint holds promise for
painting rooms such as in hospitals where bacteria are
common. It also could be used in houses or buildings
that are excessively damp. Wet areas make an excellent
environment for bacteria and molds to grow.

Currently, researchers are working on anti-bacterial
cosmetics that use silver. Because cosmetic users
often put their fingers back into the cosmetic
container to get more, bacteria originally from the
skin can multiply quickly. When the user touches the
cosmetic again, bacteria, which has been growing in
the cosmetic, often comes along.

Silver News - April/May 1997

Metabolic Solutions Info Report
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Medical & Non-Medical Uses of Colloidal Silver
by Marvin Robey

Certain bacteria are essential to healthy body
function, such as acidophilus. Several researchers
claim colloidal silver only attacks  the unfriendly
pathogens and will not harm the friendly. But one must
wonder  how it can possibly differentiate. One
explanation is that the friendly bacteria are aerobic,
while unfriendly bacteria are anaerobic. Also, it is
said that the silver does not attack bacteria
directly, but rather decomposes certain enzymes the
anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast, and molds require.
The silver acts as a catalyst and is not consumed in
the process. It is probable that the reason the
bacteria cannot develop a resistance to silver, as
they do to antibiotics, is because silver does not
directly them directly, but rather destroys the
enzymes they depend on.   

But Dr. Becker's experiments seem to show that
colloidal silver not only kills the pathogens, but
also produces dramatic healing of  tissue, such as his
statement of the skin growth on the leg quoted above.
The silver ion causes some cells to restructure into
cells with no differentiation. These cells can turn
into any cell that is needed. Only these
dedifferentiated cells can be used to create the cells
necessary to replace destroyed cells such as in a
wound or rebuild missing tissue. It seems to be for
this reason that colloidal silver heals injuries
without scarring, or at least greatly reduces
scarring, while greatly accelerating the
reconstruction or general healing of wounds. Scar
tissue develops when dedifferentiated cells are in
short supply. Therefore it would seem, from the
evidence at hand, that it would reduce or prevent
internal scarring and promote internal healing after

In "Report: Colloidal Silver, Health Consciousness,
Vol.15, No. 4", it is stated "Silver aids the
developing fetus in growth, health, and eases the
delivery and recovery."   

Silver seems to be even more promising against AIDS,
and there seems to be no doubt that the silver
supplements and supports the  T-cells in their fight
against foreign organisms in the blood. It virtually
forms a second immune system, actually protecting and 
defending T-cells. It is strongly suggested by
research scientists such as Dr. Gary Smith and others
that silver ions are essential to  the immune system. 

The Herald of Provo Utah, February 2, 1992, ran an
article on Pg. D1, in which a member of the
administrative staff of Brigham Young University, by
the name of Daryl Tichy has been successfully
experimenting with colloidal silver in the treatment
of AIDS, along with warts and parvo virus in a dog.
"Tichy said he had the material [colloidal silver]
tested at two different labs; results showed the
solution killed a variety of pathogens, including the
HIV virus." Tichy then states, "I don't have a doubt
in my mind." He says he has not been able to obtain
funds to continue his research.   

Most of these facts point to the general strengthening
of the immune system by silver. In as much as AIDS is
the result of a virtually destroyed immune system, it
would be surprising to find that colloidal silver did
not have a dramatic effect on AIDS. AIDS is a viral
disease, and antibiotics have no effect on any virus,
but the Colloidal Silver ion does. 

The author has personally used a strong dose of
colloidal silver (4 oz. of 500 parts per million) for
a cold in its early stages. It provided relief in two
hours and cured the cold completely in about 24 hours.
Others say that it quickly cures their colds in more
advanced stages.   

A college student was facing final exams while
debilitated with mononucleosis. He seemed doomed to
fail. A friend offered him a dose of colloidal silver.
The next day he stated: "I feel 300% better" He was
then able to complete his final exams with no
problems. This would strengthen the claim that
colloidal silver is highly effective against viruses. 

When will we see silver in our everyday life for
non-medical use? It seems it is already more prominent
in our lives than most people realize. In Health
Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4, Pg. 5 we read:   "In
the former Soviet Union, silver is used to sterilize
recycled water aboard space shuttles. NASA has also
selected a silver/water system for its space shuttle.
Internationally, many airlines use silver water
filters to guarantee passenger safety against
water-borne diseases such as dysentery. The Swiss
government has approved use of such silver water
filters in homes and offices. Here in the U.S., some
city municipalities use silver in the treatment of
sewage. Silver works so well in purifying water that
it is sometimes used to purify swimming pool water. It
doesn't sting the eyes as chlorine does, and it does
kill mosquito larva. An experiment conducted in
Nebraska demonstrates its effectiveness: fifty gallons
of raw sewage pumped into a pool without any
disinfectant. A standard measure of contamination is
the count of E. coli, a bacteria organism found in the
intestinal tract. The count soared to 7000 E. coli
cells per milliliter of water. When the water was
exposed to silver electrodes, within three hours it
was completely free of E. coli."   

Many other uses are suggested by Dr. Bob Beck, (not to
be confused with Dr. Robert O. Becker) such as
spraying the fungus on plants, to purify the water of
swimming pools and spas, disinfectants for home
cleaning, diaper rash, all skin infections, eye
infections, spraying during inhalation for lung
problems, for animals, etc.   

In the depression days of the 1930's when money was so
scarce, colloidal silver was selling as high as $200
an ounce. Now it is available for as low as about
$1.25 an ounce if you shop carefully. But be very
careful of the quality you buy. Be especially careful
if it has a nice light yellow color, because you can
bet the color is food coloring used to appear as a
strong colloidal solution. A strong colloid of silver
will have a light gold cloud around the positive
electrode when it is first made. This rapidly
disperses and will be difficult to see after a short
period of time, unless the concentration is very
heavy. A true colloid of silver of very minute size is
almost clear. Also be careful of colloidal silvers
using a protein or other stabilizer to maintain the
suspension, as the particle size is probably excessive
or the product may be stored so long as to lose much
of its electrical charge.   

In general, modern colloidal silver is of much better
quality than it was in the 1930's and 40's due to
modern knowledge of how to produce it. 

Metabolic Solutions Info Report
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Colloidal Silver
Natures Forgotten Antibiotic

You may be surprised to learn that prior to World War
II, the most powerful antibiotic, antibacterial and
antifungal substance was silver! Yes, the same kind of
silver that your jewelry or silverware is made from,
but it was ground up into small particles and
suspended in a fluid. Today this is called Colloidal
Silver (CS). (A colloid is defined as a particle of
something that is so small it can float in suspension
in a liquid without sinking to the bottom or floating
to the top. Because of its tiny particle size, it is
easily assimilated by the body.) It was a doctors'
most useful potion because it killed over 650
different illness-causing organisms - bacteria,
viruses and fungi. But, there were problems with it.

Only The Wealthy Could Afford It

Back then, Colloidal Silver cost about $400 per
treatment (in today's dollars), making it very
expensive. Health insurance was practically
nonexistent, so only the wealthy could afford it.
Also, no one could grind up the silver into small
enough particles that it could be absorbed by the
stomach, so it had to be injected by needle, making it
inconvenient to use at home, as well as painful. After
sitting in the bottle awhile, the silver particles
would aggregate and clump together, making it

At one time, the soil in many parts of the country
contained minute silver particles. These particles
were extracted by plants and passed on to humans and
animals who ate the plants. In 1996, Dr. I. H. Tipton
reported in the journal, "Health Physics", that the
ideal daily intake of silver was 50-100 mcg
(micrograms). It's believed to be an important trace
mineral used by the body, like chromium and selenium.
Unfortunately, commercial fertilizers used by farms
today only put nitrogen, phosphate and potash back
into the soil - no trace minerals. The only place
you'll find a significant amount of silver in the soil
will be close to a silver mine.

Doctors Advised Wealthy to Eat With Silver

Did you know that silverware became popular almost
1,900 years ago for health reasons? Physicians advised
their wealthy patients to eat only with silver if they
wanted to stay healthy. 

Silver has been known for its health values since
before the time of Julius Caesar. The Greeks lined
water and wine urns with silver to kill bacteria. The
Romans discovered that a poultice of silver helped
heal burns, cuts and sores. 

During the 14th century, about 25% of the people in
Europe died from the bubonic plague, which swept
through the continent. Wealthy people gave their
children silver spoons to suck on to forestall the
plague (hence the term, "silverware").

As you probably realize now, that's where the
expression, "Born with a silver spoon in your mouth,"
came from. Because fewer of the wealthy died from the
plague, silverware and silver pacifiers were still
given to babies in many countries. In the United
States, people have forgotten that heritage and use
plastic pacifiers today. American settlers knew the
value of silver both as wealth and for their health.
They often put silver dollars in milk to deter its
spoilage in warm weather. 

In 1884, Dr. K.S. Crede, a German obstetrician,
discovered that a mild silver solution, put into a
baby's eyes at birth, dramatically reduced eye
infections, which were common in babies. Shortly
thereafter, laws were created in the United States,
Canada, Norway and Denmark requiring all physicians
and hospitals to put a silver solution in the eyes of
every baby born in their care. It is still done today
in most countries, and undoubtedly, you experienced it
as a baby. Chinese folklore advised families to always
have a silver item in their houses in case someone was
bitten by a rabid dog. They were instructed to rub the
silver into the wound.

Dr. Jerome Alexander, in his book, "Colloid
Chemistry", said that he tested the concept and found
that silver ions were rubbed off the metal and did,
indeed, destroy harmful bacteria. History texts show
that serious medical study of CS began in the late
1880s with it being used to successfully treat typhoid
and anthrax bacterial infections.

Dr. Henry Crookes is credited for the wide use of
silver in the early 1900s. He used it for subduing
gonorrhea, tuberculosis and staphylococcus, as well as
many other infectious organisms. His scientific
reports concluded that there was no known microbe that
could not be killed in the laboratory with CS within
six minutes.

In 1915, Dr. A. Leggeroe found that CS was not only
good for protecting babies eyes, but it worked for
adults as well. He said that it was "the most useful
ophthalmic remedy" he had ever encountered for eye
infections. He claimed there was never any side
effects or visual impairment as a result of using CS.

Colloidal Silver not only killed bacteria, viruses and
bacillus toxins, it bolstered the immune system,
according to studies published in a 1916 issue of
Transactions of the American Association of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The author reported
that CS actually doubled the white blood cell counts
-- our body's major germ fighters.

Dr. Malcomb Morris reported in 1917 that CS was a
powerful remedy for inflamed and enlarged prostates. 
Infected hemorrhoids also responded well to the
substance. Later, he proved it was useful in treating

Diphtheria and tetanus were still a scourge for
humanity, and scientists were infecting animals with
these bacillus toxin in laboratories in order to find
an answer. In 1919, Dr. Alfred Searle succeeded. He
found that CS could protect rabbits from very high
lethal doses of those toxins.

Dr. J. Mark Hovel reported in the British Medical
Journal that CS was especially useful in controlling
viruses. His studies covered shingles, pyorrhea,
whooping cough, throat and nasal infections. The
common cold retreated quicker in the presence of CS,
according to his report.

The Moldy Antibiotic

In 1928, Dr. Alexander Fleming discovered that
penicillin, taken from a green mold, could kill
certain bacteria. However, chemists couldn't grow
enough of the mold to make it commercially viable.
During WWII, a way was found to make it synthetically
out of chemicals, and penicillin was born. It became
the rage among doctors, much to the delight of the
drug companies.

Medical research on silver dropped by the wayside
during the 40s and 50s due to the popularity of
penicillin type drugs. But, in 1963, doctors found
that CS was good for destroying yeast infections and

The Forgotten Antibiotic

Since then, technology has come to the rescue of the
forgotten Colloidal Silver. Instead of grinding up the
silver into hard-to-use large particles like they did
in the pre-war period, scientists found they could use
electricity to break down the particles to as small as
1/10,000th of an inch - much smaller than you can see
with the naked eye. This new silver is called
"Electrically Generated Colloidal Silver" or EGCS.
EGCS can now be taken orally or sprayed on a wound,
burn or rash, and no shots are necessary. 

A new surge of research began in 1970 when Dr. Carl
Moyer, chairman of the Washington University
Department of Surgery and his chief biochemists, Dr.
L. Bretano and Dr. H. Margarf, received a federal
grant to find better treatments for burn victims. Most
of the antiseptics used for this purpose created more
severe problems due to their poisonous nature.
Antibiotics worked only for a while before the
bacteria on the burnt skin developed immunity to the
drugs. In addition, no antibiotic or antiseptic killed
the most powerful bacteria known as Pseudomonas

After reading some old medical research from the early
1900s, Dr. Margarf tried CS. He found that just a tiny
amount of silver killed the Pseudomonas bacteria and
allowed the burnt tissue to heal.

One of the problems found with silver in the early
1900s was that large amounts colored the skin
blue-gray, a condition which was called "Argyria".
This was due to the huge amounts doctors used over
extended periods of time (years), and specifically
because the silver that was used was not pure silver,
but silver mixed with other metals. Today, there are
no reports of Argyria associated with pure Colloidal

Germs Don't Become Immune to Silver

Using a very small amount of ultra fine particles of
.999% pure silver, Dr. Bretano found it was the best
burn antiseptic, and no matter how often it was used,
it did not discolor the skin. Also, the bacteria did
not develop immunity to the silver like they did to
antibiotics, according to the results published in the
journal, "Surgical Forum". 

Clinical researchers at the VA hospitals in Syracuse,
New York, confirmed that the new EGCS was 10 to 100
times stronger than the drugs formerly used to kill
bacteria, but without being toxic.

Fungi can create major aggravations in life when they
infect finger and toenails, skin, scalp and feet. The
most common one is athlete's foot. In 1976, Dr. T.J.
Berger found that EGCS was a powerful antifungal
agent. One application of EGCS could stop fungi, such
as athlete's foot, in it's tracks.

In 1977, Dr. William Foye showed that EGCS was great
for dealing with tonsillitis, rhinitis (stuffy or
runny nose), and conjunctivitis (pink eye and related
eye infections.) Later researchers used EGCS to kill
syphilis and malaria bacteria. Doctors in hospitals
soothed varicose ulcer and bedsores with EGCS.

In 1978, Dr. Jim Powell wrote an article in Science
Digest entitled, "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter,"
pointing out how much more powerful EGCS was than

Is EGCS Safe?

Dr. John Barltrop of the University of Toronto
conducted toxicity tests on rats, giving them enormous
amounts of EGCS. He found there were absolutely no
toxic effects. The amount he gave the rats (1 cc of a
solution of 300,000 ppm of EGCS) was equivalent to
7,500 times the amount other scientists found was the
proper dose (10-40 ppm). The World Health Organization
has stated, "It is unnecessary to recommend any
health-based guidelines for silver as it is not
hazardous to human health."

According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Poison Control Center, EGCS is considered
harmless. Dr. Samuel Etris, a senior consultant at the
Silver Institute, says there has never been any
reports of allergenic, toxic or cancerous reactions to
pure Colloidal Silver. The U.S. Government's Center
for Diseases Control confirmed that fact in 1995.

How to use Colloidal Silver:
You can start by ingesting 1/4 to 1 teaspoon twice a
day in some juice or just straight (it has barely any
taste). Put CS directly on burns, scrapes, cuts,
infections, sunburn, sprains, etc. Drops in your eyes
will sooth and heal almost immediately (dilute a small
amount of CS in an equal amount of distilled water for
eye use). Put drops in ears to stop ear infections
(warm up slightly first). Add to food when canning,
preserving or bottling. Use as a gargle for sore
throat. Spray or drops in nose can stop infections and
allergic reactions. Can stop toothaches and tooth
infections. Soak dentures. Excellent for diapers and
diaper rash.

Keep in cool, dark place, but not refrigerated. 

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