It really is more productive to light a single candle than to curse 
the darkness.
            With this preamble I submit the kernel of this posting.  The recent 
passage of the CAFTA Law
has, and continues to cause many among us to suffer great anguish over the 
negative possibilities of the Codex-related inclusions of the bill's text.  
Actually, there exists a genuine opportunity for some of the citizenry to 
regain an increased degree of control over the real bases of our life-support 
system.  To wit:  Through dedicated effort, reasonable procedure, plus some 
willing action, our lives may be made more acceptable....maybe even more 
            As an example, it is suggested that responsible, health-oriented, 
individuals seriously consider participating in some form of activity improving 
their prospects in the face of a more challenging incident than "9/11" (terror, 
biological, etc.).  For those individuals with access to even limited 
space.....and residing in areas/communities not presently subjected to 
draconian animal regulations, I have a suggestion of possible merit (at least I 
feel so).  Through either a singular---or cooperative effort among 3 or 4 
neighboring families--- the acquisition of a single dairy cow, plus about 24 
laying hens.....enough high-quality protein can be produced to maintain 
excellent health for a minimum of 25 persons.  Several milk goats could be 
substituted for the cow:  especially if land area or available forage type is 
an issue.  This simple system would provide high-grade protein....the MOST 
difficult nutritional element to obtain under extended emergency conditions.
             As the most challenging element would be the daily necessity for 
the cow to be milked the actual mechanics, for this activity, could be worked 
out among the participants.  e.g.  A single family with multiple adults, or 
several families on a time-share work-effort basis....could disperse this 
repetitive requirement among several different individuals.  Without 
elaborating a detailed action blueprint I am just suggesting IT WILL WORK. 
             Our foundation participates (annually) in a program with Heifer 
International, whereby milk cows, goats, water buffalo and other livestock, are 
presented to desperately needy families.....all over the world.  Heifer 
International is a NGO 501-3c type charitable organization.  It was founded 
about 50 years ago, by a single American airman and has grown to a $50 million 
organization.  Their approach is quite unique, involving the continued transfer 
of off-spring to other, neighboring, families.  It is the very pronounced 
success of this program I draw my inspiration to encourage the effort,in 
self-help, I outlined  in my foregoing statements.
             There are multiple, obvious benefits to be gained:
             1.  All products may be consumed without requiring high-tech 
storage (e.g. eggs maintained at 56' F. will keep for weeks;  cultured milk 
products insure no wastage ....or special storage.
             2.  Dependence upon urban-based food stores become greatly reduced 
(provided they are even
extant at the time).
             3.  Reduces transportation necessary for acquiring essential 
nutrients (providing such even continues to exist locally).
             4.  Allows an important degree of physical isolation from the MOB 
----and it is a mobile system.
             5.  Is SUSTAINABLE IN NATURE....under primative conditions without 
special materials being required.
             6.   It could be the difference favoring survival.
             I do not mean to appear as Chicken Little, but present/forming 
conditions convince me---and my associates to conclude that it is not IF but 
WHEN the greater insult may occur.  If, indeed, such undesireable conditions do 
manifest, remember that most will be dependent upon their resources extant
AT THE TIME of the occurence.
                            Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
              p.s.  For those among the list membership seriously interested, I 
am willing to consider underwriting the cost of two or three systems by 
underwriting the costs (donating)of the cows or goats.  As this entails 
consequential, but limited, funding (8k to 10k), only genuinely committed, 
capable, individuals/families would be considered viable for support.  If a 
large number of members respond, I would select (probably by lot) from among 
the most promising.  Hopefully, if successful, the program could be expanded as 
the Heifer Program has---through the "pass-through" system where the first 
heifer calf is donated to another deserving family/families.  Because of the 
nature of our charter, this type of program would have to be restricted to the 
greater United States.

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