I made my first batch of CS Monday.  I used Distilled Water, a 9-volt AC-DC 
Adaptor, two silver bars and let it brew for 5 1/2 hours.  I filtered it with 
coffee filters, used a plastic funnel and stored the CS in a brown glass wine 
bottle.  I stored this bottle, wrapped in a brown paper bag, in a dark closet.
When I brewed the CS, it was clear.  When I poured some into a glass to drink 
it last night (2 days after brewing), I noticed the liquid has turned a light 
yellowish color.  
Also, the solution has a slightly metallic taste.
Anything I should worry about?
I was told there is really no need to filter the brew and I won't in future 
batches.  But I wonder what might be causing the color change and if it means 
anything important...
Is there something I should change when I brew my next batch?

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