The following is a news item that I just read on the internet:

>Online Firm Agrees to Stop Peddling Laetrile - FDA
>Nov 17 2000 5:44PM

>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug >Administration (FDA) said on
Friday it forced a company >selling laetrile online to stop peddling the
compound as a >cancer "cure."
>Laetrile, derived from the pits of apricots and other fruit, has >never
been shown to work against cancer and can cause >cyanide poisoning.

>New York-based Christian Brothers Contracting Corporation >and its
president, Jason Vale, signed a consent decree of >permanent injunction in
which it agreed to stop selling any >laetrile products, the FDA said.

>"It is an agreement between the parties and it means he has >agreed to stop
selling, manufacturing, processing and >distributing any products referred
to as Laetrile, vitamin B-17 >or apricot kernals," FDA spokeswoman Susan
Cruzan said >in a telephone interview.

>"What this case actually demonstrates is that FDA is willing >to take
action against products that are marketed over the >Internet and that
violate the Food, Drug and Cosmetic >Act." ....<snip> a federal judge in
Florida had issued a >preliminary injunction barring three firms from
promoting or >marketing products containing laetrile -- Florida-based >World
Without Cancer Inc. and The Health World >International Inc., and one
Arizona firm, Health Genesis >Corp. ....

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