Just read another post from Dave D.  Go to the local pharmacy, get a sprayer
used for saline solution...get rid of the saline..wash the container...fill
with CS...spray up the nose.  Now I've been using a nice sprayer for a long
time now...spray "high test" CS every day...40-100 ppm or thereabouts...and
have beat every bug for the last 20 months..including the latest flu...I
sprayed several times a day when others in the family (who just can't get
out of their traditional boxes to use CS) got the flu.  I did get a minor
eye ache for a while, but that's it!  I used to feel my glands on each side
of my neck just to see how "infected" I was at the time...cause I was
suffering from chronic infections of some kind...ever since CS...can't feel
them at all...this is great stuff.  A doc friend of mine is using my high
test to clean equipment (catherization) for his wife who has MS.  He swears
by it.

Can anyone point me to a good nebulizer?  I might have to use it with CS for
my mother.


Steven J. Geigle
Email: sgei...@home.com

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