My daughter was pretty sick after stopping at a roadhouse to eat once.  She 
ordered curry, her companions ate other stuff.  When I called the roadhouse, 
the staff member said the cook makes curry, then freezes it and defrosts for 
the customer.
When I spoke to the health department at the council for that area, I was 
asked how long it took for her to get sick, and then given the name of the 
likely organism, and told it is found in the nose and throat.  Various bugs 
take particular times to give rise to symptoms, and that is how they judge 
which organism it is that is involved.  So probably rather than the amount 
of contamination it is the kind of bug involved that determines how long it 
takes to feel ill.

Hi Terry,
Not really sure about nineteen hours, but I know that it is often the next 
morning after eating
"bad" food before symptoms show up.  Perhaps the contamination was small 
enough that it took a while
to develop.

> How long after eating bad food should it be before symptoms show up.  I
> though that 19 hours later was a bit delayed.
> Teri

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