---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brooks Bradley <bradlebro...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Lipo-C fan
To: Michael Brown <mikebrownpcb1...@yahoo.com>

Dear Michael,
    You are not intruding...in the .least....by using my personal email
address.  It
gives me and my associates, a feeling of genuine warmth from your personal
relative to the possible beneficial effects of your DIY  LET.
      There are many modifying variations possible within the effective
for making DIY Liposomal-type solutions.  While it is true the parent
solution of most
non-commercial, DIY fluids have a tendency to accumulate agglomerations of
particles......the actual effectiveness of the "originally-formed"
is not principally affected.  To wit:  A majority of the liposomes
generated in the
formation process......remain, essentially, unaffected by moderate changes
in storage
environment (e.g. temperatures between 32 F. and 75 F.).......for periods
up to 60 days.
At least that has been our experience.  It is, however, to be noted that
storage in direct sunlight....
especially if the solution is dark in color....... could result in some
degree of liposomal destabilization.
We do not know this to be the actual case, however it remains a possibility
in view of absence of
evaluation tests on our part.  Do not confuse solution behavior of the
unincorporated "carrier components"
such as the non-compounded lecithin component.......with the VERY STABLE
LIPOSOMAL elements formed
during the original generation reaction.  Distinct meniscus lines [definite
fluid separation lines] are not a cause
for alarm.]  They just represent the non-reactive elements still extent
among the parent solution constituents (e.g.
free lecithin remaining after super-saturation is reached by Ascorbic acid
            This is not rocket science, although there are those who would
have you believe otherwise.  Do remember
the CHIEF ACTOR here......is MOTHER NATURE........not some human genius.
             If the fluid separtions bother you, I suggest you just shake
the bottle vigorously.  All of the agglomerated
solutions are just excess.......even then, they furnish some degree value.
e.g. The free lecithin is a very powerful
emulsifier.....for a very long litany of foodstuffs. Lecithin is the MOST
USED EMULSIFIER in the entire food industry.
                                       Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  The "shelf life" cannot be verified without a scanning electron
microscope  or equivalent.  Unless there i s ome
form of foreign-body contamination or  an extended period of
"bacteria-friendly"  environment (read...temperaures
above 55 degdrees F)  one has little to concern themselves
about----relative to potential "spoilage" of their home made

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Michael Brown

> Hope I'm not intruding by using this address, and I will not misuse it, it
> was just such a relief to see you are a "real" person! I have been making
> lipo-c for 6 mos. now and cannot thank you enough for your research and
> valuable information. I am quite sure it is responsible for halting my
> liver cancer, and allowing me to steadily recover from a massive
> hemorrhagic stroke! I would be happy to testify as to it's effectiveness
> should it ever be of any use to anyone. If I may ask a question, I have
> been using the straight AA formula as it seems to work better for me, and
> was wondering if you ever found a way to extend the shelf life. I seem to
> get about 6-8 days in the fridg. Am a member of the DIY-LET group and
> have exchanged info with them for almost a year now. If I may mention your
> existence, I am sure many people would love to know you're alive and
> well. Is it ok to ask you questions?  Thanks again, respectfully yours, 
> mlbrown
>    [image: *:D big grin]