Charles Marcus wrote:
> > A client has a blocked vein in neck which feeds scalp.
> How was this determined? By her doctor?
> >  Magnet
> > therapy as outlined is use north pole for a week to remove
> > the material causing the blockage and then  use south pole
> > one week to soften the vein wall and make it flexable again.
> This is applied where? On the head? Or directly over
> the artery?
> > Continue alternating  the magnet a week at a time until
> > blockage is removed. This is applied for 15 min,three times a
> > day.This was done for a month. This blockage was first
> > noticed when the clients hair began to fall out. Hair is now
> > growing back thick and long (a lady). Her HMO doctor
> > monitored but did not participate. He is amazed.
> >
> >    Bless you  Bob Lee
> I am willing to try any kind of natural way of growing
> my hair back.
> Thanks
> --
> Charles Marcus

 Hi Marcus and Listers,

  The temperature of the scalp was recorded with a thermister array.
 The circuit for this machine may be found in the book Animal Ecology,by
A. MacFadyen D.Sc, 1966.(page 38) This thermister array will monitor
eight areas at a time on the scalp. Differences of temp. monitor blood
flow. Lot cheaper than a MRI and done in the office.

 The magnet is applied over the VEIN which is blocked, see posting. The
magnet is moved slowly along the vein.
 It will also work with arteries.  

 Bless you   Bob Lee 
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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