Hi Everyone,

I found a book at the Half-Price book store, called, ALL ABOUT RADATION, which had a gread deal of data about niacin. According to the book, the flush you get from the niacin is from the amount of radation your body has absorbed. The best way to take niacin is to start off with low doses and stay with that dose until you stop flushing. Then once you have stopped flushing at that dosage, you take a higher dose start i.e. 50mgs then up it to 100mg an stay with that until you stop flushing then up the dose, and so on and so on untill you have gotten to 1000mgs of niacin. Then you come down in doses just as you went up. Then take 100mg as a daily dose thereafter. I have tried this myself and it worked for me.

Brooks Bradley recently posted a CS/DMSO/Glycerin recipe effective
against MRSA which should work on the cellulitis.

Circulation can be much improved using large doses of Niacin, which is
relatively inexpensive.  Recently, Dave posted about this and his
success using Niacin for improving circulation.

Thank you Dan, I will have to look into that.


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